Hi again folks! Thanks for replying me to my first question, it wordked!
If you don't remember, I asked about how to show feedback messages
associated only with a field, so I can show a message next to a input


The next step is that I'm trying to change the default behaviour in
order to put a simple html image tag instead of the default


The html code that I'm getting at this moment is this:


<td wicket:id="errorsSfid"><wicket:panel>
  <ul wicket:id="feedbackul">
    <li wicket:id="messages" class="feedbackPanelERROR">
      <span wicket:id="message" class="feedbackPanelERROR">&lt;img
src=&quot;image.jpg&quot; /&gt;</span>
The thing is that I'm putting the image tag as a property, but I don't
know how to change this, in order to show only the image tag?
Any kind soul knows how to solve this? Your help would be very
appreciated :D. Thanks in advance.
Daniel Alonso


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