On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Eyal Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> wow!!
> cool. That was so educational :)
> Thanks.
np :)

> If I change this, it will change EVERYTHING, right?

yes, this is the setting for all disabled links.

> What if I want to do something like: <em style="color: green;"> only for
> this PNL ?
> Is there a way?

there are numerous ;)

you could add a SimpleAttributeModifier to the specific PNL:
PNL link = new PNL(...);
link.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", "green") {
  public boolean isEnabled() {
    return !getComponent().isEnabled();

you could easily achieve the same result with overriding
PNL#onComponentTag ...


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