On May 30, 2008, at 12:54 AM, Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Thu, 29 May 2008, David Nedrow wrote:
public class ProtocolDAO extends JpaDaoSupport implements IProtocolDAO

public class ShowProtocolsPanel extends Panel {
   private ProtocolDAO dao;

Clearly this should be IProtocolDao, so that the component
depends on interface and not on implementation.

So, you're saying it should be...

private IProtocolDAO dao;

When simply using the dao without injection, I would normally do something like...

private IProtocolDAO dao = new ProtocolDAO();

Regardless, even pointing the dependency at the interface still yields a class cast exception.

If it were a failure of the way I'm calling the DAO, I would assume that my class would fail inside the IModel declaration, right?

        IModel protocolModel = new LoadableDetachableModel() {
            protected Object load() {
                return dao.findAll();

        add(new ListView("eachItem", protocolModel) {
            @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
                Protocol protocol = (Protocol) item.getModelObject();

                item.add(new Label("keyword", protocol.getKeyword()));
item.add(new Label("description", protocol.getDescription()));

WicketMessage: Error attaching this container for rendering: [MarkupContainer [Component id = showProtoPanel, page = com.foo.pages.HomePage, path = 2:tabs:tabs:panel:tabs:panel:showProtoPanel.ShowProtocolsPanel, isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]]

Root cause:

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.vzbi.ncs.argfrp.jpa.netconf.Protocol
at com.foo.pages.panels.ShowProtocolsPanel $2.populateItem(ShowProtocolsPanel.java:49) at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.onPopulate(ListView.java: 573)

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