> 1) Generifying* Wicket
>   [X] Can best be done like currently in the 1.4 branch, where models
> and components are both generified. I care most about the improved
> static type checking generified models and components give Wicket.

This is the only solution that makes sense, the other options are
either a partial solution (which is a *very, very* bad thing, mixing
generic with non-generic code INSIDE a framework!?!?) or no solution
at all (which has my preference over a partial solution, since at
least it is concise).

> 2) How strongly do you feel about your choice above?
>   [X] I might rethink upgrading if my choice doesn't win.

Seriously, no generics at all is better than a partial solution. Since
upgrading involves more issues than generics alone, I may rethink
only... If the decision to upgrade boils down to this issue, then I


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