So am I :)

I think that just like TDD generates a whole new structure to your code (IMO
a better one) that implementing generics at the start would have produced
something a bit different.

- Brill Pappin

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Vaynberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: users, please give us your opinion: what is your take on
generics with Wicket

im really curious to hear what these changes would be...


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Brill Pappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think...
> We should be able to use the untyped variants, but the explanations 
> for why that won't work directly was valid.
> So on to you're A/B question. I don't think it matters much... The 
> people doing things "inline" are going to use that method anyway and 
> generics won't hurt them, but the usefulness to people who write more 
> extensive application is likely more important (if its that simple it 
> doesn't matter much, if its complicated then it is and can be used).
> Allow me to digress.
> I think that if Wicket had been written with generics from the 
> beginning, the API would be different... And that is the root of the
> I think that maybe a concerted refactoring effort *must* allow the API 
> to change (call it wicket 2.0 for all of us old struts users) in order 
> for things to work out properly.
> I don't actually think that heavy a refactoring would be such a bad 
> thing. I love what Wicket has done, but I think it could be less 
> "black-boxy" as well.
> - Brill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Lindner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 12:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: AW: users, please give us your opinion: what is your take on 
> generics with Wicket
> Brill Pappin wrote
>>I don't know, I think the discussion is going *toward* generics.
>>Frankly I can't even see why its an issue at all, the language has
> evolved and uses them... Why would Wicket not also use them its inline 
> with
>>the current state of the language?
>>There is no reason that people who can't get their heads around
> Generics can't use the older releases that don't include it, but IMO 
> any java >developer who doesn't get generics yet better make some time 
> to learn, because like it or not, they *will* be dealing with them.
> I agree totally with you. My expericence with Generics over the last 
> two years was that any project that was adopted to generics had much 
> less errors afterwards.
> But the main problem in this discussion seems to be that there are two 
> very different sorts of Web Applications that are developed with 
> wicket and both may have predecessors that are non generic.
> Type A: A Web applicatons that make heavy use of Models, like classic 
> desktop allications that are ported to the web. I think the 
> programmers of such applications like Generics becaus they help them 
> to avoid erros and the current wicket generic implementation leads to 
> a strong typed application that needs a good object model (and a good
database design).
> If you port an exisitng wicket application with no generic to wicket 
> 1.4 you might discover some unclear object model problems in your 
> exisitng code. And it's always easier to point to wicket's generics 
> than to blame your own code
> :-)
> Type B: A Web Application with more static content, only some date 
> (like user logins, user profile data). In this case it's clear that 
> some people say "why should I always tyle 'Link<Void>', none of my 
> links has a Model, just about 10% of my Components have a Model". But 
> why dont't they write their own wrapper e.g. MyVoidLink extends 
> Link<Void>? I remember a dicsusson about such Components some weeks ago.
> What do you think about it? Would it help users of Type B to have 
> VoidComponents?
> Stefan
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