> it all depends, on how and what you're developing.

Yeah. I actually use less and less models in the regular way nowadays.
I use plenty of panels (the app I work on hardly uses separate pages)
that nest other panels in them (typically detail views or dialogs)
that reuse models of the parent. But indeed YMMV.

Personally, I think the whole generics business exposes that the
one-one relation between components and models is flawed. Without
generics this isn't much of a problem, just the odd unused member and
constructor, but as generics aren't as 'optional' it is all very in
your face suddenly.

I think on the longer term (post 1.4) we should re-think how models
work in Wicket. See if we can find an elegant way to make this more
flexible (I'm not in favor of the id based thing someone posted
earlier btw) without breaking the whole world.

FWIW, I'm still on the fence when it comes to whether we should go for
a full or partial (models only) implementation of generics, though I'm
leaning towards partial.


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