How do you cope with deeply nested model properties? For example:

public class PersonViewer extends Component<Person> {

some other component does:
person.getOrders().get(0).setAmount(0); // first order for free (as in beer)


Johan Compagner wrote:
There are many state things in a component. Wicket itself has only a
few like model/visibile/enable. But a developer could add many many

In our project this is easily handled by our components. Every
component knows when it is changed, what ever it is and then a visitor
adds them to ajax. We have a fixed set of components so its not a big

On 7/4/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Matej Knopp wrote:
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And there is some functionality in there that Wicket might
be better without. For example, onModelChanged / Changing
things become tricky when you share the same model between
different instances. And when using setModelObject() with an
object that is equal to the current model object, but a
different instance (such as a Hibernate-persisted object
bound to the correct session), you have to either do
getModel().setObject() or change the model comparator.

setModelObject isn't the best idea IMHO. Models should support some
kind of state change notifications, we might want to improve that for
1.5, though it probably wouldn't be very easy to do.

Well, we can hardly detect change of propertypromodels unless we pull
and compare the value every time...

Better state change notifications would be a huge improvement IMO
because that way components could add themselves to AjaxRequestTarget
when needed. Currently all Ajax functionality requires Ajaxified
components to know about each other and when they should be displayed.
Some kind of even mechanism as described in would definitely help,
but a model-driven approach would be even better.

I was thinking to support this using annotations and aspects and the
likes, but I haven't had the time to create a proof of concept.


PS. Thread subject has become little different than thread content :)

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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