On Mon, 07 Jul 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:
> The thing is that when using Ajax you have to specifically add 
> PersonViewer to the AjaxRequestTarget when 'some other component' 
> modifies the Person object. The problem is that 'some other component' 
> might not even know about or have access to PersonViewer (maybe it's a 
> 3rd-party component). OnModelChanged does not work in this case, because 
> there is no call to setModelObject, just to some setter of the Person 
> object.

Yep, in our current project we use the WICKET-1312
"broadcaster" approach to solve this. This means that the
logic of which component needs to be repainted when
something happens is in the UI components. (The domain logic
itself we try to put in the domain objects.) 

So in our model, the other component modifying the Person
object would broadcast a PersonModifiedEvent to all
PersonModificationReceiver components, who could then act
accordingly (typically add themselves to the Ajax request
target). There's not a lot of automagical intelligence
there, but we have found this way clear and effective. All
relationships are "static" on component class level and
navigable in the IDE. The proliferation of events and
receivers must be watched out for though.

> While Ajax does very nice things to the GUI, it kinda messes up the 
> model-driven (as in wicket model) approach to gui development. That is 
> why I was thinking about some aspect-oriented solution to let components 
> know about model updates, even when they keep a reference to the same 
> object.

That's true. It's a pity that for now, Java AOP solutions
are still a bit invasive (AFAIK, if you know of some really
neat and transparent implementation without -javaagents or
special compilers or some such nuisance, I'd be glad to hear

We tried sharing models and making them more intelligent and
models sending events to registered listeners and whatnot
dead chickens before arriving at the current
broadcast/receiver approach. When the components are
"physically" far away from each other, sharing the model or
handling registration and deregistration can get hairy. And
to avoid memory leaks, removing the listeners when
components are being replaced (e.g. repeater children
recreated) should be taken care of carefully in a
traditional event-listener mechanism.

However, more experimentation is definitely needed on this,
and I'd be very interested on hearing any experiences and
ideas!  It seems that ajax will be around for some more
years, whether we like it or not, so best to make the best
out of it :)

Best wishes, Timo

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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