> > Because how else would you render the resulting page?
> >
> It's an ajax request that makes changes to the current page (without going
> to another page). What does that have to do with redirecting?

redirect is only relevant if you redirect to a page
If it is a "normal" ajax request that just renders some components then
redirect boolean is used at all.
Then you just have an AjaxRequestTarget that does its work.

> > Do you really want to replace the complete dom with a new page without
> the
> > browser doing a normal get?
> > Then the url thats in the browser wouldnt point at all anymore to the
> > right
> > page (if a user would do refresh in a browser)
> >
> No, I just replace part of the dom of the current page.
> If the user refreshes the page, he/she will see the original page again
> (like it was before the changes).

So you are just rendering a few components then the rendering/response phase
shouldnt touch the redirect at all see above
you just have a AjaxRequestTarget

Maybe because the request phase is different for you because you try to have
an stateless page and that is something that
wicket doesnt support for ajax.

> > if you click an ajax link and you want to show a different page then yes
> a
> > redirect to that page has to happen
> > else we have to replace the complete document with the new page, dont
> know
> > if we really support that and if that will go fine in all the browsers.
> >
> Yeah, *if* I want to show a different page. (By the way, a 302 redirect
> won't help in that case, but I see that it automatically uses another way
> for ajax requests).
> However I *don't* want to show a different page.

see above, AjaxRequestTarget should then handle the response and that one
doesnt look at the redirect
and the redirect boolean is only relevant for the Response not the request.

> >> - Is there any better way to do what I am trying to do?
> >
> > yes why have ajax links that could be just normal links if you want to
> > have
> > a stateless page.
> >
> That could work, but I'd rather not render and send the whole updated page
> to the browser, when most of it doesn't change. How would that be better?

then just use statefull pages
I dont get why you have partial updated pages, that are constantly created
as the original again because
you want stateless pages.
Dont you want to keep that partial updated page in memory?
I guess you dont have any callbacks in the things you update? that is just

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