
Your video is quite entertaining but I don't think Wicket is clever enough
to make such a mess without a lot of help (javascript, css, dodgy browser
If you send a quickstart   I am
sure someone will help you solve this. Make sure you delete the "target"
folder and keep the code as simple as possible to demonstrate your issue.

Regards - Cemal jWeekend 

alex.borba-2 wrote:
> follow all "significant" code...
> --> Here goes the HTML:
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>REMOVED </head>
> <body>
>             <div id="globalContainer" class="globalBodyContainer">
>             <input id="previousTRId" type="hidden" value=""/>
>             <input id="previousDataId" type="hidden" value=""/>
>             <!--Hidden filds for translate Menus from PopUp Boxes, get
> values from wicket properties files.-->
>             <!-- Copy Box -->
>             <input id="copyHeader" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:copyFieldHeader"/>
>             <input id="copyBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:copyFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- Header for all Alert Box -->
>             <input id="labelHeader" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:labelFieldHeader"/>
>             <!-- Delete Box -->
>             <input id="deleteBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:deleteFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- Active Box -->
>             <input id="activeBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:activeFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- DeActive Box -->
>             <input id="deactiveBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:deactiveFieldBody"/>
>             <form wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm" id="hiddenFieldsForm">
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.copyName"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Copy Name-->
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.operationName"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Operation -->
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.dataBaseID"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Get data base ID for active, deactive, delete and copy
> -->
>                   </form>
>                   <!-- Title -->
>                   <div id="pageTitle" class="pageTitle"><wicket:message
> key="tittle">Trade Coverage Plan - Initial Screen</wicket:message></div>
>                   <div class="separator"></div>
>                   <!-- Upper button panel -->
>                <form wicket:id="tcp.menuForm">
>                         <fieldset id="Fieldset2"
> class="searchFilterPanel">
>                             <legend><wicket:message
> key="fieldCommands">Commands</wicket:message></legend>
>                             <div id="buttonPanel">
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                <button wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.newButton"
> type="button" class="short">
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonNew">New</wicket:message>
>                                </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                            <button wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.openButton"
> id="openButton" type="button" class="short" 
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deleteBody','open');" disabled>
>                                  <wicket:message
> key="buttonOpen">Open</wicket:message>
>                            </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                               <button id="deleteButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.deleteButton" type="button" class="short" 
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deleteBody','delete');" disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonDelete">Delete</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                  <div wicket:id="modal1"></div>
>                                <!--<button id="activateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.activeButton" type="button" class="short" 
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','activeBody','active');"
> disabled>-->
>                                <button id="activateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.activeButton" type="button" class="short"
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonActivate">Activate</wicket:message>
>                                </button>
>                            </div>
>                             <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                 <button id="deactivateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.deActiveButton" type="button" class="short" 
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deactiveBody','deactive');"
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonDeactivate">Deactivate</wicket:message>
>                                 </button>
>                             </div>
>                            <div class="rightButtonPanelElement"
> id="copyToField" style="width: 251px">
>                                <!--<wicket:message key="labelCopyTo">Copy
> to</wicket:message>&nbsp;-->
>                               <!--<input type="text" id="tcp_copyto"
> value="" style="width: 100px" onclick="this.value='';"/>&nbsp-->
>                               <button type="button" class="short"
> id="executeButton" onclick="callCopyBox('copyHeader','copyBody','copy');"
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonCopy">Copy</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                             </div>
>                         </fieldset>
>                   </form>
>                   <!--  <div class="separator"></div>-->
>                   <!--  Form wicket tcp.searchForm -->
>                   <form wicket:id="tcp.searchForm">
>                         <!-- "Search TCPs" panel -->
>                         <fieldset id="searchFilterPanel"
> class="searchFilterPanel" style="height: 100%">
>                             <legend><wicket:message
> key="fieldSearch">Search TCPs</wicket:message></legend>
>                        <div style="float:left; width: 100%; height:
> 51px;">
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 120px">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelYear">Year</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.yearSelect" name="year" style="width: 80px">
>                                    <option selected="selected"
> value="0"></option>
>                                    <option value="1">2008</option>
>                                    <option value="2">2007</option>
>                                    <option value="3">2006</option>
>                                    <option value="4">2005</option>
>                                    <option value="5">2004</option>
>                                    <option value="6">2003</option>
>                                </select>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 196px; ">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelName">Name</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <input wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.nameText"
> type="text" name="name" value="Enter Text" style="width: 140px"
> onclick="this.value='';"/>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 200px">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelDivision">Division</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.divisionSelect" name="division" style="width:
> 130px">
>                                               <option value="0"></option>
>                                               <option value="1">São
> Paulo</option>
>                                               <option value="2">Rio de
> Janeiro</option>
>                                               <option
> value="3">Santos</option>
>                               </select>
>                            </div>
>                            <div style="float:right; width: 240px; height:
> 51px;" class="rightSearchFilterPanelElement">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelStatus">Status</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.statusSelect" name="status" style="width:
> 100px">
>                                               <option value="0"></option>
>                                               <option
> value="1">Active</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Inactive</option>
>                               </select>&nbsp;
>                            </div>
>                        </div>
>                        <div style="float:left; width: 100%; height:
> 51px;">
>                            <div style="float:left; width: 506px; height:
> 51px;" class="buttonPanelElementLarge">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelTradeApproach">Trade Approach</wicket:message>&nbsp
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.tradeApproach" name="tradeApproach"
> style="width: 170px">
>                                               <option value="0"></option>
>                                               <option
> value="1">Pre-Sales</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Prompt-Sales</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Tele-Sales</option>
>                               </select>&nbsp;
>                               <button wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.find"
> id="findButton" class="short" type="button">
>                                   <wicket:message
> key="buttonFind">Find</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                        </div>
>                         </fieldset>
>                   </form>
>                   <!--  <div class="separator"></div>-->
>                   <!-- Result grid -->
>                   <div>
>                   <fieldset id="Fieldset1" class="searchFilterPanel">
>                       <legend><wicket:message key="fieldList">List
> TCPs</wicket:message></legend>
>                          <div class="resultGrid">
>                                <table id="tcpTable"
> class="resultGridTable" >
>                                           <!-- Result grid header -->
>                                           <tr class="resultGridHeader">
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 107px;"><wicket:message key="gridYear">Year</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 331px;"><wicket:message key="gridName">Name</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 270px;"><wicket:message key="gridDivision">Division</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 101px;"><wicket:message key="gridStatus">Status</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 270px;"><wicket:message key="gridTradeApproach">Trade
> Approach</wicket:message></td>
>                                           </tr>
>                                           <tr wicket:id="tcp.ResultGrid"
> class="resultGridData" onmouseover="setStyle(this, 'highlight');"
> onmouseout="setStyle(this, 'resultGridData');">
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 107px">2008</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 331px">Plan Classe B</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 270px">São Paulo</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 101px">Active</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 270px">Pre-Sales</td>
>                                           </tr>
>                                </table>
>                          </div>
>             </fieldset>
>                   </div>
>             </div>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>     document.getElementById("newButton").focus();
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> --> Here goes the JAVA CODE:
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.Date;
> import java.util.HashMap;
> import java.util.List;
> import java.util.Map;
> import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier;
> import org.apache.wicket.Page;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxLink;
> import org.apache.wicket.behavior.AttributeAppender;
> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.HiddenField;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView;
> import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
> import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
> import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
> public class TCPInitialScreen extends BaseWebPage{
>       //Service
>       @SpringBean(name="StatusBean")
>       private IStatusBusinessService searchStatusBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="DivisionBean")
>       private IDivisionBusinessService searchDivisionBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="TCPBean")
>       private ITCPBusinessService tcpBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="TradeApproachBean")
>       private ITradeApproachBusinessService tradeApproachBusinessService;
> //Todos os trade approachs
>       //Objects TO
>       private TCPBasicDataTO tcpSearch = new TCPBasicDataTO();
>       //Wicket
>       Model<StatusTO> statusModel = new Model<StatusTO>();
>       Model<DivisionTO> divisionModel = new Model<DivisionTO>();
>       Model<TradeApproachTO> tradeAppModel = new Model<TradeApproachTO>();
>       //Atributes
>       int lineIndexDataGrid =0;
>       private Map<Integer, StatusTO> statusDescriptionMap = new
> HashMap<Integer, StatusTO>();
>       public TCPInitialScreen(){
>             createMenuForm();
>             createSearchForm();
>             createHiddenForm();
>             // Searches all TCP's and displays them in the initial screen
>             TCPSearchCriteriaTO searchCriteria = new
> TCPSearchCriteriaTO();
>             List<TCPBasicDataTO> allTCPList =
> tcpBusinessService.searchTCPByCriteria(searchCriteria);
>             createDataGrid(allTCPList);
>       }
>       @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "serial" })
>       protected void createMenuForm(){
>             /*
>              * Menu Form
>              */
>             Form menuForm = new Form("tcp.menuForm");
>             add(menuForm);
>             Button newButton =
> TCPComponentFactory.createButton(TCPComponentFactory.NEW_BUTTON,
> "tcp.menuForm.newButton", "newButton");
>             newButton.add(new AttributeAppender("onclick", new
> Model("loadBodyFromLeftMenu('iframeBody',
> '?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:com.bat.planning.presentation.tcp.web.TCPBasicDataScreen');"),
> ";"));
>             menuForm.add(newButton);
>             //Open
>             Button openButton = new Button("tcp.menuForm.openButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product and
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             openButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("openButton")));
>             menuForm.add(openButton);
>             //Delete
>             Button deleteButton = new Button("tcp.menuForm.deleteButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product and
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             deleteButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("deleteButton")));
>             menuForm.add(deleteButton);
>             /*
>              *
>              */
>             //Modal Active
>             final ModalWindow modal1 = new ModalWindow("modal1");
>             /*
>              * Gera Modal window
>              */
>         modal1.setPageCreator(new ModalWindow.PageCreator()
>         {
>             public Page createPage()
>             {
>                 return new TCPActiveScreen(TCPInitialScreen.this, modal1);
>             }
>         });
>         menuForm.add(modal1);
>             AjaxLink activeLink = (new AjaxLink("showModal1"){
>                   @Override
>                   public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                         modal1.setInitialHeight(280);
>                         modal1.setInitialWidth(330);
>                         //modal1.set
>               ;
>                   }
>             });
>             menuForm.add(activeLink);
>             /*
>              *
>              */
>             //Active
>             Button activeButton = new Button("tcp.menuForm.activeButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product and
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             activeButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("activateButton")));
>             //menuForm.add(activeButton);
>             activeLink.add(activeButton);
>             //Deactive
>             Button deActiveButton = new
> Button("tcp.menuForm.deActiveButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product and
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             deActiveButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("deactivateButton")));
>             menuForm.add(deActiveButton);
>       }
>       @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" })
>       private void createSearchForm() {
>             /*
>              *  Search Form
>              */
>             Form searchForm = new Form("tcp.searchForm"){
>                   protected void onSubmit(){
>                         //Search Service call
>                         //Clear all values of comboBox, get default choice
> again
>                         divisionModel = new Model<DivisionTO>();
>                         statusModel = new Model<StatusTO>();
>                         tradeAppModel = new Model<TradeApproachTO>();
>                         createSearchForm();
>                   }
>             };
>             searchForm.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("tcp.searchForm")));
>             List<String> yearsFake = new ArrayList<String>();
>             yearsFake.add("1");
>             List<Integer> tcpYearCombo =
> tcpBusinessService.searchTCPYears(yearsFake);
>             //Year
>             DropDownChoice<Integer> yearDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<Integer>("tcp.searchForm.yearSelect", new
> PropertyModel<Integer>(tcpSearch, "tcpYear"),tcpYearCombo);
>             //Name
>             TextField nameField = new TextField("tcp.searchForm.nameText",
> new PropertyModel(tcpSearch, "tcpName"));
>             //Division
>             IChoiceRenderer<DivisionTO> choiceRendererDivision = new
> IChoiceRenderer<DivisionTO>() {
>                   public String getIdValue(DivisionTO division, int index)
> {
>                         return division.getDivisionId().toString();
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(DivisionTO division) {
>                         return division.getDivisionName();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice divisionDropDown = new DropDownChoice
> ("tcp.searchForm.divisionSelect", divisionModel,
> searchDivisionBusinessService.searchDivisions(), choiceRendererDivision);
>             //Status
>             String languageId = getLocalizer().getString("languageId",
> this);
>             if (languageId == null){
>                   languageId = "1";
>             }
>             List<StatusTO> statusList =
> searchStatusBusinessService.searchStatus(Integer.parseInt(languageId));
>             for(StatusTO status: statusList)
>             {
>                   statusDescriptionMap.put(status.getStatusId(), status);
>             }
>             IChoiceRenderer<StatusTO> choiceRendererStatus = new
> IChoiceRenderer<StatusTO>(){
>                   public String getIdValue(StatusTO status, int index) {
>                         return Integer.toString(status.getStatusId());
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(StatusTO status) {
>                         return status.getStatusDescription();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice<StatusTO> statusDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<StatusTO>("tcp.searchForm.statusSelect", statusModel,
> statusList, choiceRendererStatus);
>             //Trade Approach
>             List<TradeApproachTO> tcpTradeApproachesList =
> tradeApproachBusinessService.searchAllAvailableTradeApproach();
>             IChoiceRenderer<TradeApproachTO> choiceRenderTradeApp = new
> IChoiceRenderer<TradeApproachTO>(){
>                   public String getIdValue(TradeApproachTO tradeApproach,
> int index){
>                         return
> Integer.toString(tradeApproach.getTradeApproachId());
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(TradeApproachTO
> tradeApproach){
>                         return tradeApproach.getTradeApproachName();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice<TradeApproachTO> tradeApproachDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<TradeApproachTO>("tcp.searchForm.tradeApproach",
> tradeAppModel, tcpTradeApproachesList, choiceRenderTradeApp);
>             tcpSearch.setTcpYear(null);
>             tcpSearch.setDivisionName(null);
>             tcpSearch.setDivisionId(null);
>             tcpSearch.setStatus(null);
>             searchForm.add(yearDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(nameField);
>             searchForm.add(divisionDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(statusDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(tradeApproachDropDown);
>             Button findButton = new Button("tcp.searchForm.find") {
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                   }
>             };
>             findButton.add(new AttributeAppender("onclick", new
> Model("submitForms('tcp.searchForm');"), ";"));
>             searchForm.add(findButton);
>             remove(searchForm);
>             add(searchForm);
>       }
> }

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