Thank you for the suggestion, most of you are saying that apparently this 
issueis related to something else but wicket, but is curious how the 
problem is easily "fixed" just deleting the Wicket Modal Window which is 
related to a button. 

I'm working on the quickstart now, while some friends are trying to find 
anything unusual in JS, CSS or other stuff.

01/19/2009 04:48 PM
jWeekend <> 

Please respond to


RE: DropDownChoice missing in IE6 when has AJAX


Your video is quite entertaining but I don't think Wicket is clever enough
to make such a mess without a lot of help (javascript, css, dodgy browser
If you send a quickstart   I am
sure someone will help you solve this. Make sure you delete the "target"
folder and keep the code as simple as possible to demonstrate your issue.

Regards - Cemal jWeekend

alex.borba-2 wrote:
> follow all "significant" code...
> --> Here goes the HTML:
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>REMOVED </head>
> <body>
>             <div id="globalContainer" class="globalBodyContainer">
>             <input id="previousTRId" type="hidden" value=""/>
>             <input id="previousDataId" type="hidden" value=""/>
>             <!--Hidden filds for translate Menus from PopUp Boxes, get
> values from wicket properties files.-->
>             <!-- Copy Box -->
>             <input id="copyHeader" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:copyFieldHeader"/>
>             <input id="copyBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:copyFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- Header for all Alert Box -->
>             <input id="labelHeader" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:labelFieldHeader"/>
>             <!-- Delete Box -->
>             <input id="deleteBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:deleteFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- Active Box -->
>             <input id="activeBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:activeFieldBody"/>
>             <!-- DeActive Box -->
>             <input id="deactiveBody" type="hidden"
> wicket:message="value:deactiveFieldBody"/>
>             <form wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm" id="hiddenFieldsForm">
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.copyName"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Copy Name-->
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.operationName"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Operation -->
>                   <input wicket:id="hiddenFieldsForm.dataBaseID"
> type="hidden"/> <!--Get data base ID for active, deactive, delete and 
> -->
>                   </form>
>                   <!-- Title -->
>                   <div id="pageTitle" class="pageTitle"><wicket:message
> key="tittle">Trade Coverage Plan - Initial Screen</wicket:message></div>
>                   <div class="separator"></div>
>                   <!-- Upper button panel -->
>                <form wicket:id="tcp.menuForm">
>                         <fieldset id="Fieldset2"
> class="searchFilterPanel">
>                             <legend><wicket:message
> key="fieldCommands">Commands</wicket:message></legend>
>                             <div id="buttonPanel">
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                <button 
> type="button" class="short">
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonNew">New</wicket:message>
>                                </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                            <button wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.openButton"
> id="openButton" type="button" class="short"
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deleteBody','open');" disabled>
>                                  <wicket:message
> key="buttonOpen">Open</wicket:message>
>                            </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                               <button id="deleteButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.deleteButton" type="button" class="short"
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deleteBody','delete');" disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonDelete">Delete</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                  <div wicket:id="modal1"></div>
>                                <!--<button id="activateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.activeButton" type="button" class="short"
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','activeBody','active');"
> disabled>-->
>                                <button id="activateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.activeButton" type="button" class="short"
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonActivate">Activate</wicket:message>
>                                </button>
>                            </div>
>                             <div class="buttonPanelElement">
>                                 <button id="deactivateButton"
> wicket:id="tcp.menuForm.deActiveButton" type="button" class="short"
> onclick="callConfirmBox('labelHeader','deactiveBody','deactive');"
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonDeactivate">Deactivate</wicket:message>
>                                 </button>
>                             </div>
>                            <div class="rightButtonPanelElement"
> id="copyToField" style="width: 251px">
>                                <!--<wicket:message 
> to</wicket:message>&nbsp;-->
>                               <!--<input type="text" id="tcp_copyto"
> value="" style="width: 100px" onclick="this.value='';"/>&nbsp-->
>                               <button type="button" class="short"
> id="executeButton" 
> disabled>
>                                     <wicket:message
> key="buttonCopy">Copy</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                             </div>
>                         </fieldset>
>                   </form>
>                   <!--  <div class="separator"></div>-->
>                   <!--  Form wicket tcp.searchForm -->
>                   <form wicket:id="tcp.searchForm">
>                         <!-- "Search TCPs" panel -->
>                         <fieldset id="searchFilterPanel"
> class="searchFilterPanel" style="height: 100%">
>                             <legend><wicket:message
> key="fieldSearch">Search TCPs</wicket:message></legend>
>                        <div style="float:left; width: 100%; height:
> 51px;">
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 120px">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelYear">Year</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.yearSelect" name="year" style="width: 80px">
>                                    <option selected="selected"
> value="0"></option>
>                                    <option value="1">2008</option>
>                                    <option value="2">2007</option>
>                                    <option value="3">2006</option>
>                                    <option value="4">2005</option>
>                                    <option value="5">2004</option>
>                                    <option value="6">2003</option>
>                                </select>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 196px; ">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelName">Name</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <input wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.nameText"
> type="text" name="name" value="Enter Text" style="width: 140px"
> onclick="this.value='';"/>
>                            </div>
>                            <div class="searchFilterPanelElement"
> style="width: 200px">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelDivision">Division</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.divisionSelect" name="division" style="width:
> 130px">
>                                               <option 
>                                               <option value="1">São
> Paulo</option>
>                                               <option value="2">Rio de
> Janeiro</option>
>                                               <option
> value="3">Santos</option>
>                               </select>
>                            </div>
>                            <div style="float:right; width: 240px; 
> 51px;" class="rightSearchFilterPanelElement">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelStatus">Status</wicket:message>&nbsp;
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.statusSelect" name="status" style="width:
> 100px">
>                                               <option 
>                                               <option
> value="1">Active</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Inactive</option>
>                               </select>&nbsp;
>                            </div>
>                        </div>
>                        <div style="float:left; width: 100%; height:
> 51px;">
>                            <div style="float:left; width: 506px; height:
> 51px;" class="buttonPanelElementLarge">
>                               <wicket:message
> key="labelTradeApproach">Trade Approach</wicket:message>&nbsp
>                               <select
> wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.tradeApproach" name="tradeApproach"
> style="width: 170px">
>                                               <option 
>                                               <option
> value="1">Pre-Sales</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Prompt-Sales</option>
>                                               <option
> value="2">Tele-Sales</option>
>                               </select>&nbsp;
>                               <button wicket:id="tcp.searchForm.find"
> id="findButton" class="short" type="button">
>                                   <wicket:message
> key="buttonFind">Find</wicket:message>
>                               </button>
>                            </div>
>                        </div>
>                         </fieldset>
>                   </form>
>                   <!--  <div class="separator"></div>-->
>                   <!-- Result grid -->
>                   <div>
>                   <fieldset id="Fieldset1" class="searchFilterPanel">
>                       <legend><wicket:message key="fieldList">List
> TCPs</wicket:message></legend>
>                          <div class="resultGrid">
>                                <table id="tcpTable"
> class="resultGridTable" >
>                                           <!-- Result grid header -->
>                                           <tr class="resultGridHeader">
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 107px;"><wicket:message key="gridYear">Year</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 331px;"><wicket:message key="gridName">Name</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 270px;"><wicket:message 
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 101px;"><wicket:message key="gridStatus">Status</wicket:message></td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridHeader" style="height: 18px; width:
> 270px;"><wicket:message key="gridTradeApproach">Trade
> Approach</wicket:message></td>
>                                           </tr>
>                                           <tr wicket:id="tcp.ResultGrid"
> class="resultGridData" onmouseover="setStyle(this, 'highlight');"
> onmouseout="setStyle(this, 'resultGridData');">
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 107px">2008</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 331px">Plan Classe B</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 270px">São Paulo</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 101px">Active</td>
>                                                       <td
> class="resultGridData" style="width: 270px">Pre-Sales</td>
>                                           </tr>
>                                </table>
>                          </div>
>             </fieldset>
>                   </div>
>             </div>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>     document.getElementById("newButton").focus();
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> --> Here goes the JAVA CODE:
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.Date;
> import java.util.HashMap;
> import java.util.List;
> import java.util.Map;
> import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier;
> import org.apache.wicket.Page;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
> import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxLink;
> import org.apache.wicket.behavior.AttributeAppender;
> import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.HiddenField;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView;
> > import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
> import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
> import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean;
> public class TCPInitialScreen extends BaseWebPage{
>       //Service
>       @SpringBean(name="StatusBean")
>       private IStatusBusinessService searchStatusBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="DivisionBean")
>       private IDivisionBusinessService searchDivisionBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="TCPBean")
>       private ITCPBusinessService tcpBusinessService;
>       @SpringBean(name="TradeApproachBean")
>       private ITradeApproachBusinessService 
> //Todos os trade approachs
>       //Objects TO
>       private TCPBasicDataTO tcpSearch = new TCPBasicDataTO();
>       //Wicket
>       Model<StatusTO> statusModel = new Model<StatusTO>();
>       Model<DivisionTO> divisionModel = new Model<DivisionTO>();
>       Model<TradeApproachTO> tradeAppModel = new 
>       //Atributes
>       int lineIndexDataGrid =0;
>       private Map<Integer, StatusTO> statusDescriptionMap = new
> HashMap<Integer, StatusTO>();
>       public TCPInitialScreen(){
>             createMenuForm();
>             createSearchForm();
>             createHiddenForm();
>             // Searches all TCP's and displays them in the initial 
>             TCPSearchCriteriaTO searchCriteria = new
> TCPSearchCriteriaTO();
>             List<TCPBasicDataTO> allTCPList =
> tcpBusinessService.searchTCPByCriteria(searchCriteria);
>             createDataGrid(allTCPList);
>       }
>       @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "serial" })
>       protected void createMenuForm(){
>             /*
>              * Menu Form
>              */
>             Form menuForm = new Form("tcp.menuForm");
>             add(menuForm);
>             Button newButton =
> TCPComponentFactory.createButton(TCPComponentFactory.NEW_BUTTON,
> "tcp.menuForm.newButton", "newButton");
>             newButton.add(new AttributeAppender("onclick", new
> Model("loadBodyFromLeftMenu('iframeBody',
> ";"));
>             menuForm.add(newButton);
>             //Open
>             Button openButton = new Button("tcp.menuForm.openButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product 
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             openButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("openButton")));
>             menuForm.add(openButton);
>             //Delete
>             Button deleteButton = new 
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product 
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             deleteButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("deleteButton")));
>             menuForm.add(deleteButton);
>             /*
>              *
>              */
>             //Modal Active
>             final ModalWindow modal1 = new ModalWindow("modal1");
>             /*
>              * Gera Modal window
>              */
>         modal1.setPageCreator(new ModalWindow.PageCreator()
>         {
>             public Page createPage()
>             {
>                 return new TCPActiveScreen(TCPInitialScreen.this, 
>             }
>         });
>         menuForm.add(modal1);
>             AjaxLink activeLink = (new AjaxLink("showModal1"){
>                   @Override
>                   public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                         modal1.setInitialHeight(280);
>                         modal1.setInitialWidth(330);
>                         //modal1.set
>               ;
>                   }
>             });
>             menuForm.add(activeLink);
>             /*
>              *
>              */
>             //Active
>             Button activeButton = new 
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product 
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             activeButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("activateButton")));
>             //menuForm.add(activeButton);
>             activeLink.add(activeButton);
>             //Deactive
>             Button deActiveButton = new
> Button("tcp.menuForm.deActiveButton"){
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                         //TODO : Check how to get the selected product 
> open into BCPBasicDataPage
>                   }
>             };
>             deActiveButton.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("deactivateButton")));
>             menuForm.add(deActiveButton);
>       }
>       @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" })
>       private void createSearchForm() {
>             /*
>              *  Search Form
>              */
>             Form searchForm = new Form("tcp.searchForm"){
>                   protected void onSubmit(){
>                         //Search Service call
>                         //Clear all values of comboBox, get default 
> again
>                         divisionModel = new Model<DivisionTO>();
>                         statusModel = new Model<StatusTO>();
>                         tradeAppModel = new Model<TradeApproachTO>();
>                         createSearchForm();
>                   }
>             };
>             searchForm.add(new AttributeModifier("id", new
> Model("tcp.searchForm")));
>             List<String> yearsFake = new ArrayList<String>();
>             yearsFake.add("1");
>             List<Integer> tcpYearCombo =
> tcpBusinessService.searchTCPYears(yearsFake);
>             //Year
>             DropDownChoice<Integer> yearDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<Integer>("tcp.searchForm.yearSelect", new
> PropertyModel<Integer>(tcpSearch, "tcpYear"),tcpYearCombo);
>             //Name
>             TextField nameField = new 
> new PropertyModel(tcpSearch, "tcpName"));
>             //Division
>             IChoiceRenderer<DivisionTO> choiceRendererDivision = new
> IChoiceRenderer<DivisionTO>() {
>                   public String getIdValue(DivisionTO division, int 
> {
>                         return division.getDivisionId().toString();
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(DivisionTO division) {
>                         return division.getDivisionName();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice divisionDropDown = new DropDownChoice
> ("tcp.searchForm.divisionSelect", divisionModel,
> searchDivisionBusinessService.searchDivisions(), 
>             //Status
>             String languageId = getLocalizer().getString("languageId",
> this);
>             if (languageId == null){
>                   languageId = "1";
>             }
>             List<StatusTO> statusList =
> searchStatusBusinessService.searchStatus(Integer.parseInt(languageId));
>             for(StatusTO status: statusList)
>             {
>                   statusDescriptionMap.put(status.getStatusId(), 
>             }
>             IChoiceRenderer<StatusTO> choiceRendererStatus = new
> IChoiceRenderer<StatusTO>(){
>                   public String getIdValue(StatusTO status, int index) {
>                         return Integer.toString(status.getStatusId());
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(StatusTO status) {
>                         return status.getStatusDescription();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice<StatusTO> statusDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<StatusTO>("tcp.searchForm.statusSelect", statusModel,
> statusList, choiceRendererStatus);
>             //Trade Approach
>             List<TradeApproachTO> tcpTradeApproachesList =
> tradeApproachBusinessService.searchAllAvailableTradeApproach();
>             IChoiceRenderer<TradeApproachTO> choiceRenderTradeApp = new
> IChoiceRenderer<TradeApproachTO>(){
>                   public String getIdValue(TradeApproachTO 
> int index){
>                         return
> Integer.toString(tradeApproach.getTradeApproachId());
>                   }
>                   public Object getDisplayValue(TradeApproachTO
> tradeApproach){
>                         return tradeApproach.getTradeApproachName();
>                   }
>             };
>             DropDownChoice<TradeApproachTO> tradeApproachDropDown = new
> DropDownChoice<TradeApproachTO>("tcp.searchForm.tradeApproach",
> tradeAppModel, tcpTradeApproachesList, choiceRenderTradeApp);
>             tcpSearch.setTcpYear(null);
>             tcpSearch.setDivisionName(null);
>             tcpSearch.setDivisionId(null);
>             tcpSearch.setStatus(null);
>             searchForm.add(yearDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(nameField);
>             searchForm.add(divisionDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(statusDropDown);
>             searchForm.add(tradeApproachDropDown);
>             Button findButton = new Button("tcp.searchForm.find") {
>                   public void onSubmit() {
>                   }
>             };
>             findButton.add(new AttributeAppender("onclick", new
> Model("submitForms('tcp.searchForm');"), ";"));
>             searchForm.add(findButton);
>             remove(searchForm);
>             add(searchForm);
>       }
> }

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