Here's another article about Wicket and GAE on DZone:

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Sergey Podatelev <> wrote:

> Here are a couple of pointers regarding Wicket on GAE:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Matthew Welch <>
> wrote:
> > I've been experimenting a bit with Google App Engine and Wicket and
> things
> > seemed to work fairly well once I turned off the ModificationWatcher.
> > However, I realized that my simple tests were all stateless and that once
> > stateful, Wicket would use the DiskPageStore to write some files, which
> is
> > not allowed in the App Engine sandbox. Sure enough, once I added some
> > stateful pages, I started seeing exceptions related to the DiskPageStore.
> >
> > I'm a neophyte when it comes to the deep down Wicket internals so I'm not
> > sure what my other options might be. In a post Matej  Knopp said, ""*
> > DiskPageStore*'s purpose is to store serialized pages on disk in order to
> > allow access to previous page versions and also to conserve session
> memory
> > usage." This leads me to believe that using the sassion for storing this
> > information isn't a preferred approach. What about the App Engine's
> > datastore (an abstration on BigTable)? That seems like it might be too
> slow
> > to adequately serve this need, but I'm not sure. A thread on
> > Wicket/Terracotta integration ended up with an alternative
> > "SecondLevelCacheSessionStore" but I'm not sure if that is only usable
> with
> > Terracotta or if it might might sense in other situations. Any other
> > options?
> >
> > Also, looking forward, with the knoledge that writing giles and spawning
> new
> > threads are not allowed in the App Engine sandbox, are there any other
> items
> > I should be onl the lookout for in Wicket that might make it a poor
> choice
> > for this situation?
> >
> > Matt
> >
> --
> sp
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