Ah if only plane tickets were a little bit cheaper... On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Alastair Maw <m...@almaw.com> wrote:
> Hi, folks. > Quick reminder that there's a London Wicket Users Group meet-up on > Wednesday > evening at Google UK in Victoria. > > It's rather late in the day for me to be announcing the topic of my talk, > but it's going to be interesting: > > *Bookmarkable Everything* > > Wicket is great at managing server side state for you, but you still write > a > lot of boilerplate code for users to easily bookmark your pages. > AJAX makes the problem ten times harder. Come along on Wednesday for > instant > parameterised pain relief. > > Sign up here: http://jweekend.co.uk/dev/LWUGReg > > Alastair > -- Best regards, Paul Szulc http://paulszulc.wordpress.com