I am using a Palette to assign multiple "Category" objects to a "Document" object. When I select a Category, the Palette seems to operate correctly on-screen, but I'm having two issues:

1) debugging the code, the selected choice (in the onUpdate below) is ALWAYS the first item in the "allCategories" list 2) this (incorrect) Category is added to the Document, but does not seem to stay that way. If I switch to another Document and then come back to the original, there are no longer any Categories

I've scoured this list but haven't managed to find something directly applicable to this situation. Can anyone assist? What am I doing wrong here?

IChoiceRenderer<Category> renderer = new ChoiceRenderer<Category> ( "name" ); final IModel selected = new Model((Serializable) selectedDocument.getCategories());
       IModel allCategories = new Model((Serializable)categories);

final Palette<Category> documentsPalette = new Palette<Category>("categoryPalette", selected, allCategories, renderer, 10, true)
           protected Recorder newRecorderComponent()
final Recorder recorder = new Recorder("recorder", this);
               recorder.setOutputMarkupId( true );
recorder.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior ("onchange")
protected void onUpdate( AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget)
selectedCategory.addCategory((Category) recorder.getSelectedChoices().next());
               return recorder;



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