Ok. I am sorry to bother you. I add the behavior at before render time:

protected void onBeforeRender() {


final Recorder recorder=palette.getRecorderComponent();

palette.getRecorderComponent().add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(
"onchange") {



protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {





and I has been working right to me. But, if you would like to extend Pallete
and overwrite newRecorderCompoent + adding the behavior, It seemed to be

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Tim Hughes <thug...@troglobyte.com> wrote:

> OK, I changed the code as follows, and I'm getting a null on the
> patentsPalette.getRecorderComponent() method.
>        Palette<Category> patentsPalette = new
> Palette<Category>("categoryPalette", selected, allCategories, renderer, 10,
> false);
>        final Recorder recorder = patentsPalette.getRecorderComponent();
>        recorder.add( new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior( "onchange" ) {
>            @Override
>            protected void onUpdate ( AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget )
> {
> selectedDocumentModel.getObject().addCategory((Category)recorder.getSelectedChoices().next());
>            }
>        });
> All of this takes place in the constructor for my form.
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Fernando Wermus.


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