Bingo!! I've been hitting this wall, and pulling my hair out-- in fact I may ditch jQuery for this very reason since I can't find a suitable workaround :-(

Martin Makundi wrote:
... and expect trouble with ajaxifying jquery plugins that skin html
components. They will not work properly if you replace your components
via ajax - or at least you might have to work hard on it.


2009/10/27 Jeremy Thomerson <>:
I'd suggest only using jQuery for the UI effects and let Wicket do the AJAX.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Jeffrey Schneller <> wrote:

I am trying to determine how to use Wicket and JQuery.  I would prefer
not using wiQuery or similar.  I would like to just include the jQuery
libraries in my html and then use jQuery as javascript and not wrap
everything in java on the server side to generate the client code.

How would one go about doing this?  I assume the basic jQuery
functionality is straight forward.  However how would you implement
jQuery code that uses Ajax to communicate back to the server using
Wicket on the server?  Or would the recommendation be to let Wicket
handle the Ajax communication and only use jQuery for the UI components
such as "Lightbox", "Greybox", apple like sliders, etc.

Any ideas?


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