On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Peter Ross <pdr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Jason Novotny  wrote:
>> Martin Makundi wrote:
>>> ... and expect trouble with ajaxifying jquery plugins that skin html
>>> components. They will not work properly if you replace your components
>>> via ajax - or at least you might have to work hard on it.
>>   Bingo!! I've been hitting this wall, and pulling my hair out-- in fact I
>> may ditch jQuery for this very reason since I can't find a suitable
>> workaround :-(
> Here is the solution I used, I just emailed the list to ask if this is
> the correct approach:
> The following is some code which has an integer field with an associated 
> slider
> The AbstractBehavior is the bit which determines if we are in an ajax
> request or not and adds the init js code in the correct place to make
> sure it's called.
>    private void init() {
>        field = new TextField("field", getModel());
>        add(field);
>        WebComponent c = new WebComponent("slider");
>        c.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>        slider_id = c.getMarkupId();
>        add(c);
>        // Write out the javascript to initialize the slider
>        add(new AbstractBehavior() {
>           �...@override
>            public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
>                IRequestTarget target = RequestCycle.get().getRequestTarget();
>                if (target instanceof AjaxRequestTarget) {
>                    // If the target is an ajax request then we need
>                    // to execute just the slider js.
>                    AjaxRequestTarget t = (AjaxRequestTarget) target;
>                    t.appendJavascript(init_slider_js());
>                } else {
>                    // Otherwise render the slider when the document is ready.
> response.renderJavascript(init_slider_when_doc_ready_js(), null);
>                }
>            }
>        });
>    }
Someone helpfully pointed out to me that renderHead could be simplified to

public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {

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