Also I've noticed, that if i submit the form, then redeploy the WAR, and
then refresh the submitted page, it throws the exception described above.
And hitting Ctrl + F5 doesn't fix the issue - you are unable to submit the
form anymore...
The reason is that it (at least, Firefox 3) accumulates JSESSIONID cookies -
I've seen even three of them simultaneously.
After I delete these stale JSESSIONID cookies, I'm able to submit the form
I'm not sure, what a decision could be.
Maybe it is a well known bug.
Just reporting it to you.

2009/11/28 Николай Кучумов <>

> Today I've finally worked out the cause of the error - that was the NginX
> caching server which was somehow caching data.
> It was set up incorrectly.
> Today I've corrected my NginX configuration files, and everything works
> now, even with the bookmarks.
> 2009/11/20 Николай Кучумов <>
> Hello, Alex, Jeremy and others.
>> That's weird. Really weird.
>> You know what?
>> Seems that my browser was causing the error...
>> If i open my site via a bookmark, it outputs the error.
>> However if i open a new tab and type in the URL manually, the error
>> doesn't appear.
>> So, an advice to all of the Firefox users: don't bookmark the link to your
>> web application!
>> 2009/11/14 Alex Rass <>
>> Kolya,
>>> 2 things:
>>> 1) If you still have the old setup:
>>>  Try stopping server, deploying your stuff to it, starting server.
>>>  I've had issues with redeploying at runtime (hot deploy) with Tomcat
>>> (which is what Glassfish is based on).  This is where Jeremy's advice to
>>> run
>>> Jetty is a good idea.
>>> 2) Make sure that you refresh the form in your web browser before you try
>>> to
>>> enter data and submit.  Wicket needs to do stuff to that form before you
>>> can
>>> submit it and if you keep same browser open between deployments, you are
>>> sending data back to wicket that it knows nothing about, so it blows up
>>> with
>>> pageexpired.
>>> The fact that you don't get serialization errors in the log (if it wasn't
>>> serialized) is b/c it didn't get that far yet, so problems are elsewhere.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> - Alex.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Николай Кучумов []
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:33 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: CompoundPropertyModel
>>> Hi, Jeremy.
>>> No, the log contained only this error...
>>> But to be honest, although it didn't fix the error, your advice is still
>>> valuable, because not all of the classes were Serializable.
>>> And you know what?
>>> I think I'll reinstall my application server.
>>> I used Glassfish 2 before, and this time I tried Glassfish 3, but it
>>> appeared to be a bitch...
>>> It hangs oftenly and operates strangely...
>>> So maybe it somehow messes with the sessions...
>>> I'll install Glassfish 2 back then, when I have more time for this (maybe
>>> tomorrow), and then I'll post the results here.
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson <
>>> > wrote:
>>> > Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on to)
>>> > implement Serializable?
>>> >
>>> > Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a
>>> problem
>>> of
>>> > the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make
>>> it
>>> > there or the session is somehow gone.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Jeremy Thomerson
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов <
>>> > >wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Hello.
>>> > > I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
>>> > > "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
>>> > > I tried to make a registration page in this way:
>>> > >
>>> > > Page
>>> > > {
>>> > >    super();
>>> > >
>>> > >    Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
>>> > >
>>> > >    Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
>>> > >
>>> > >    add(form);
>>> > >
>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
>>> > >
>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
>>> > >
>>> > >    // also add a submit button
>>> > > }
>>> > >
>>> > > And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
>>> > >
>>> > > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
>>> > > rendered page in session
>>> [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
>>> > >
>>> > > I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to
>>> deprive
>>> > > myself from using it just because of this strange error...
>>> > > Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?
>>> > >
>>> >
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