To come up with a decision, I can propose you to catch this special
exception, then count all JSESSIONID cookies, and, if there are several of
them, delete the stale JSESSIONID cookies, and then try to run the form
submission cycle again programmaticaly.

2009/11/29 Николай Кучумов <>

> Also I've noticed, that if i submit the form, then redeploy the WAR, and
> then refresh the submitted page, it throws the exception described above.
> And hitting Ctrl + F5 doesn't fix the issue - you are unable to submit the
> form anymore...
> The reason is that it (at least, Firefox 3) accumulates JSESSIONID cookies
> - I've seen even three of them simultaneously.
> After I delete these stale JSESSIONID cookies, I'm able to submit the form
> again.
> I'm not sure, what a decision could be.
> Maybe it is a well known bug.
> Just reporting it to you.
> 2009/11/28 Николай Кучумов <>
> Today I've finally worked out the cause of the error - that was the NginX
>> caching server which was somehow caching data.
>> It was set up incorrectly.
>> Today I've corrected my NginX configuration files, and everything works
>> now, even with the bookmarks.
>> 2009/11/20 Николай Кучумов <>
>> Hello, Alex, Jeremy and others.
>>> That's weird. Really weird.
>>> You know what?
>>> Seems that my browser was causing the error...
>>> If i open my site via a bookmark, it outputs the error.
>>> However if i open a new tab and type in the URL manually, the error
>>> doesn't appear.
>>> So, an advice to all of the Firefox users: don't bookmark the link to
>>> your web application!
>>> 2009/11/14 Alex Rass <>
>>> Kolya,
>>>> 2 things:
>>>> 1) If you still have the old setup:
>>>>  Try stopping server, deploying your stuff to it, starting server.
>>>>  I've had issues with redeploying at runtime (hot deploy) with Tomcat
>>>> (which is what Glassfish is based on).  This is where Jeremy's advice to
>>>> run
>>>> Jetty is a good idea.
>>>> 2) Make sure that you refresh the form in your web browser before you
>>>> try to
>>>> enter data and submit.  Wicket needs to do stuff to that form before you
>>>> can
>>>> submit it and if you keep same browser open between deployments, you are
>>>> sending data back to wicket that it knows nothing about, so it blows up
>>>> with
>>>> pageexpired.
>>>> The fact that you don't get serialization errors in the log (if it
>>>> wasn't
>>>> serialized) is b/c it didn't get that far yet, so problems are
>>>> elsewhere.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> - Alex.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Николай Кучумов []
>>>> Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:33 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: CompoundPropertyModel
>>>> Hi, Jeremy.
>>>> No, the log contained only this error...
>>>> But to be honest, although it didn't fix the error, your advice is still
>>>> valuable, because not all of the classes were Serializable.
>>>> And you know what?
>>>> I think I'll reinstall my application server.
>>>> I used Glassfish 2 before, and this time I tried Glassfish 3, but it
>>>> appeared to be a bitch...
>>>> It hangs oftenly and operates strangely...
>>>> So maybe it somehow messes with the sessions...
>>>> I'll install Glassfish 2 back then, when I have more time for this
>>>> (maybe
>>>> tomorrow), and then I'll post the results here.
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> > Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on
>>>> to)
>>>> > implement Serializable?
>>>> >
>>>> > Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a
>>>> problem
>>>> of
>>>> > the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make
>>>> it
>>>> > there or the session is somehow gone.
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Jeremy Thomerson
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов <
>>>> > >wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > Hello.
>>>> > > I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
>>>> > > "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
>>>> > > I tried to make a registration page in this way:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Page
>>>> > > {
>>>> > >    super();
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    add(form);
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
>>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
>>>> > >    form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
>>>> > >
>>>> > >    // also add a submit button
>>>> > > }
>>>> > >
>>>> > > And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find
>>>> the
>>>> > > rendered page in session
>>>> [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
>>>> > >
>>>> > > I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to
>>>> deprive
>>>> > > myself from using it just because of this strange error...
>>>> > > Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?
>>>> > >
>>>> >
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