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2010/7/15 Jarosz Yohan <>:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to load statatic js files. I 'm using in the init of the 
> application
> getResourceSettings().addResourceFolder("/somePath/");
> resourceSettings.setResourceStreamLocator(new RessourceLocator());
> with
> public class RessourceLocator extends ResourceStreamLocator{
> public RessourceLocator() {}
> public IResourceStream locate(final Class<?> clazz, final String path) {
>        IResourceStream located = super.locate(clazz, trimFolders(path));
>        if (located != null) {return located;}
>        return super.locate(clazz, path);
> }
>    private String trimFolders(String path) {
>        return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);}
> }
> and in my Page I have
> add(JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContribution("/myFile.js"));
> and of course myFile.js located under /somePath"
> what am I missing?
> Yohan

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