you guys are both making an argument against queuing, and against
each-other. paradox.


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Carl-Eric Menzel <> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 07:31:28 -0500
> James Carman <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Carl-Eric Menzel
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > So either there is a difference between the forms (different submit
>> > method maybe?), then this move would make a semantic/behavioral
>> > difference and needs to be done in code.
>> >
>> As I said, the two forms edit different values on the same object.
>> Yes, this change would be a semantic/behavioral change, but you could
>> actually do it with just a change in the markup.  It wouldn't require
>> a change to the code.  This is assuming you queue the fields onto the
>> containing panel and not onto the contained forms, which is entirely
>> possible (and even likely).  How many times have you accidentally
>> called add() when you meant to call rowItem.add() in a repeater?  With
>> the queue() method, you wouldn't get an error message saying the
>> markup doesn't match.  It would just figure it out and you'd be none
>> the wiser.
> That's exactly my point :-)
> This is not a good example to allow queuing, because there's no gain.
> Either there is an important difference between the two forms, then it
> doesn't make sense to queue *above* the forms, or there is no
> difference between the forms, then you can just have *one* form and not
> need queue at all.
> By "needs to be done in code" I mean that it is not something that
> should be doable in markup.
> Carl-Eric
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