On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Jim Pinkham <pinkh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I still don't think it's necessary, and wonder if it might actually be
> counter-productive to have more than one way to learn for new adopters.  If
> it goes forward, I don't suppose there's much precedent for taking
> something
> back out, is there?

This is the key for me.  I make my living off of teaching Wicket classes.
 New people to Wicket always make mistakes with models and a few other
things.  But after the first morning of class, they almost *never* have a
problem with component hierarchies.

BUT - if we add two ways of building a hierarchy, and one of them is a
little "magical", then it gets difficult.

It's too bad we don't have mixins in Java - it would be nice to be able to
have this feature as an entirely separate jar that could be added.  I guess
you could do it now, but rather than calling #queue(compToBeQueued) on your
component, you'd have to use something like ComponentQueue#queue(component,
compToBeQueued).  That could store it in metadata like the current
implementation (if it hasn't changed since the last time I looked at the
code), and then an onbeforerender listener might be able to de-queue
everything.  I'd have no problem with it being an "add-on" that isn't in the
core Component.

> What a difficult discussion to have over email - I'm in the -1 camp on this
> overall, but I think I do appreciate the admirable motive to innovate, so I
> hope the committers will give this serious consideration and then chuck it
> in the bin where it ...  no, just kidding,  ;)  and then make a fair
> decision.

We never dismiss things off-hand, and will give it consideration.  But we
have to consider both new and advanced users.  I just don't think there's
enough of a use-case requirement for it to justify the confusion that I
*know* it will cause.

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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