Hi Mike,

Am 26.06.2011 05:06, schrieb Michael O'Cleirigh:
Hi Harald,

Thanks for taking the time to implement your solution to the OSGi problem.

If you could create a patch (or fork and then pull request; or commit
directly) into the
module that would be ideal. I can't tell if it should be integrated into
the existing wicket-bundle or beside it as a new module (You can decide).

Thanks for inviting me to commit. I think a new module wicket-osgi is required at least for the dependency injection stuff, because that depends on wicket-ioc. Only the configuration for the manifest minus DynamicImport-Package should go into wicket-bundle.

If you need commit access just post to the dev list with your github
username and we can add you.

Will do so. My username is hwellmann.

Once your changes are committed into wicketstuff the jenkins server (it
polls github @hourly) will build them into wicketstuff-core 1.5-SNAPSHOT
jars and other osgi users could run it and their feedback could be
captured as project issues.

Would it be possible to have a wicket-bundle-example project that is
configured to launch itself using osgi to exercise the capabilities of
the module? Maybe the maven-pax-plugin be used to accomplish this?

I think since most wicket users don't seem to use osgi (me included) if
an example could be created that anyone could run the amount of feedback
would be greater.

Yeah, I know - dealing with all the environment setup is really the hardest part and will probably take longer than writing the glue code itself, so my intention was just to publish some ideas and work in progress to get some early feedback and make sure I'm not on the wrong track.

Maven and Pax are great for batch builds and integration tests for OSGi projects, but IMHO Eclipse PDE is much easier for developing and debugging. Unfortunately, the two approaches don't integrate very well.

Anyway, I'm going to set up another example project which should be as self-contained as possible, leaving out all the JPA/JTA stuff which is not really relevant for the Wicket-OSGi integration (but then again, the larger goal is of course to create some kind of lightweight OSGi Enterprise software stack with persistence, transactions and Wicket on top.)


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