There is now a new module wicket-osgi in wicketstuff/core at Github with some glue code to adapt Wicket to OSGi house rules.


- wicket-osgi supports bootstrapping a WicketApplication from the OSGi service registry, matching a property value specified as a WicketFilter init parameter in web.xml.

- OsgiClassResolver supports Wicket page deserialization.

- OsgiComponentInjector lets you inject OSGi services into WIcket components by annotating fields with JSR-330 @Inject.

- wicket-bundle, the all-in-one OSGi-compliant packaging of Wicket, now has a revised manifest without dynamic imports.

- wicket-ioc-bundle (sibling of wicket-bundle) does the same for wicket-ioc, which is required by wicket-osgi.

- wicket-osgi-test-web and wicket-osgi-test-service are two simple test bundles for testing the glue code in an OSGi web container (Pax Web). The sample uses Aries Blueprint to interact with the service registry, but of course you can also use Declarative Services or a BundleActivator.

- To run the sample webapp:

cd wicketstuff-core/jdk-1.5-parent/wicket-osgi-parent
cd wicket-osgi-test-web
mvn install pax:run
Open http://localhost:8080/library in your browser.

- To use wicket-osgi in your own projects, have a look at web.xml and in wicket-osgi-test-web, and at the Javadoc in wicket-osgi.

All of this is anything but final... Have a look at the code, give it a try and let me know that you think.


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