Hi Julian,

I'm not quite understanding your setup. How did your non-Wicket servlet get
a Wicket-proxied Spring bean?


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Julian Sinai <jsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I really could use some advice on how to solve this problem:
> In our webapp, we have a wicket filter as well as a couple of other
> servlets. The url pattern for the wicket filter is the usual /*. The
> problem
> is that because of this, all urls, including those of the other servlets,
> go
> through the wicket filter, which is causing problems. Specifically, we are
> using  spring, so wicket's SpringComponentInjector wraps the beans, which
> sometimes results in the exception below.
> The real solution is to separate the other servlets into another webapp,
> but
> because of time constraints we can't do that. We also can't easily change
> our urls to assign a unique pattern to the wicket urls (although the other
> servlets do have unique patterns), because it will adversely affect users.
> Is there a way to solve this problem in web.xml? Use wicket servlet instead
> of wicket filter?
> org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: There is no application attached
> to
> current thread http-8443-7
>    at org.apache.wicket.Application.get(Application.java:179)
> ...
>    at
> WICKET_com.hytrust.arc.TrustedHostMgr$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$eded0a19.refreshAllPolicy(<generated>)
> ...
>    at
> com.hytrust.proxy.vmware.VIMHandlerServlet.doPost(VIMHandlerServlet.java:47)
> Any help is appreciated.
> Julian

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