Recently I mentioned Wicket to a product manager - and his reply indicated that 
he thought Wicket was for UI's but was actually a different programming 
language! I quickly pointed out that it's the SAME language as they've used 
forever - Java! And that's the point! You can build your domain model, business 
layer and UI - all in the same, awesome, typesafe, high performance language 
yet still make your UI rock as much as any Angular JS UI (without the 
productivity and maintenance hits that come with using JavaScript)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthias Tonhäuser []
> Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2017 5:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wicket 8 GA for production
> Hi,
> I just started using Wicket recently and I quite like what I've seen so
> far. To me, it is superior to JSF because it let's you spend more time
> writing nice Java code instead of scratching your head whether the correct
> hmtl attribute is "render" or "reRender".
> I do think Wicket has a marketing issue, too. When I asked 20 software
> developers on a local software conference, only one had heard about
> Wicket.
> And he thought, it was defunct.
> Are there any introductory presentations (Englisch / German) one can use
> to
> help spread the word about Wicket?
> Best
> Matthias

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