
Wicket is designed with support for multiple tabs in mind.
Every project I've worked on used this feature intensively.

showing the same page (albeit different record) in different browser tabs 
definitely is the design he's pushing for.

Sure, no problem with that. I didn't want to scare you :P

As you know Wicket is a stateful server-side framework. For each rendered page 
its state has to remain on the server.
Wicket holds a configurable count of old pages around for back-button support. 
Switching between tabs and working on them alternatively is effectively like 
returning back to previous pages.

And what would be the consequences of it being expelled?

If the page is bookmarkable, you'll just get served a new instance. If not (or 
this feature is turned in PageSettings#recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry) 
then you'll get the infamous PageExpiredErrorPage.

Have fun

Am 19.07.2018 um 17:25 schrieb Entropy:
I definitely need more info on the 2nd and 3rd items in your list.  My
designer is bugging me multiple times a day trying to get this answer.  You

- you can run into problems when the same page is rendered in two
different browser tabs, use AjaxNewWindowNotifyingBehavior to detect this
What kind of problems are we talking about, and what would I do in that
behavior to counteract them, because showing the same page (albeit different
record) in different browser tabs definitely is the design he's pushing for.

- working on different tabs might lead to pages being expelled from the
page store, see StoreSettings#maxSizePerSession

And what would be the consequences of it being expelled?  User gets an
error?  Can we close the window in response to that error?  Maybe with a
message telling them the page expired and they need to re-open it?  Or maybe
we could re-open it for them?

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