
I've just added  a new "Documentation" link in the General Links Panel.
It points to:

Hope you like it.

Thanks all for your input on this :)

On Dec 19, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:

> On Dec 19, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>>>> Could you please point out just one to me please so that I can see
>>>> it in action?
>> There's a lot of them, I agree most of those I use are either single-
>> product support sites.
>> But here's one, for example:
>> The layout there is the kinda thing I'd think would work well for
>> xwiki.
>> Just hover over support to see a link for documentation, this takes
>> you to a documentation area.
> And on that page it asks you to choose a product.
> Yes I can see this working so that users can navigate from 2 angles:
> 1) by product they're interested in
> 2) by type of information they're looking for (they'll be asked to
> choose the product in that case)
>> This approach might work for xwiki's diverse product range as well,
>> as then you pick your product for more support.
>> Err, also I wanted to point out, I'm just sharing a concern here.
>> My intention is to just clear up potential confusion for new users
>> (if existing users are confused, I imagine new ones will be more so).
> Thanks for sharing this. It helps.
> -Vincent
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf Of Vincent Massol
>> Sent: 19 December 2007 14:51
>> To: XWiki Users
>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Documentation?
>> On Dec 19, 2007, at 2:58 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>>> Ok, I know this comes off as nitpicking (not trying to, just sharing
>>> my own confusion)..
>>> To download Xwiki, I click "Download".  All options are clearly
>>> labelled, and I know what I'm getting when I select one of them.
>> That's because I've hadn't had the time yet to split the download
>> page into several! (one for each product).
>>> I would have thought to get documentation, I click "Documentation"..
>>> Or even "Support", as with most other product sites.
>>> As an uninitiated user, I would have no clue what each of the  
>>> options
>>> are.
>>> (Bear with me a moment for the comparison) As a comparison, I  
>>> dropped
>>> into MediaWiki's homepage (
>>> First thoughts: boring and tedious.  But any potential user can
>>> immediately find the distribution or the documetation.  The whole
>>> process of finding/accessing takes a few seconds.
>> As I said this in my previous email this isn't a valid comparison
>> since Mediawiki is just one product: a wiki.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Behalf Of Vincent Massol
>>> Sent: 19 December 2007 13:15
>>> To: XWiki Users
>>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Documentation?
>>> On Dec 19, 2007, at 2:06 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>>>> I'd have to suggest though that it's not as intuitive as it once
>>>> was.
>>> I'd agree but that doesn't bother me since xwiki isn't what it used
>>> to
>>> be. Even the previous wasn't as intuitive as xwiki was  
>>> when
>>> everything was fitting on one page ;)
>>> What I'm interested in thought it is to make it as intuitive *as
>>> possible*.
>>>> Even a search on "documentation" returns no results (for me,
>>>> anyway).
>>> The search isn't working so no wonder.... :)
>>>> Can there not be a documentation panel to get quick access to each
>>>> product's documentation?
>>> There is one already... It's called "XWiki Ecosystem". Or do you  
>>> mean
>>> something else?
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> Behalf Of Vincent Massol
>>>> Sent: 19 December 2007 12:44
>>>> To: XWiki Users
>>>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Documentation?
>>>> On Dec 19, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Víctor A. Rodríguez wrote:
>>>>> Vincent Massol wrote:
>>>>>> I'm curious to know. Do others have this issue finding
>>>>>> documentation too?
>>>>> My main problem is that some links have been moved and need to be
>>>>> located the first time I try to reach them, e.g.
>>>> yes but I would say that's normal.
>>>>> (and all  
>>>>> the
>>>>> UseGuide related links).
>>>>> IMHO, the real problem is that now the wiki is more product
>>>>> oriented, instead of features oriented.
>>>> Well that's not fully true. You can't compare with before since
>>>> before we were only documenting one product and now we're
>>>> documenting
>>>> the platform and all the products...
>>>>> I remember the previous one were the first you found were all the
>>>>> features that XWiki has. This is what you want to look at when you
>>>>> arrive to a site in search for a product, a quick view of features
>>>>> to stay with the product or to move on to the next one.
>>>>> Again, IMHO, not a good move. :-(
>>>> You mean the new is not a good move?
>>>> Past users of should go to the http:// 
>>>> since the previous version was only documenting that. Then you
>>>> should
>>>> be able to find all you had before.
>>>> Back to your feature-oriented documentation idea. Do you have any
>>>> example of web site in mind that do this? (I mean websites with  
>>>> more
>>>> than one product). Or any idea how to implement this?
>>>> OTOH all the sites I know that have more than one product do it the
>>>> way we do it on
>>>> -,
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> - etc
>>>> We could show all the platform features on the main page since all
>>>> products share these but I don't think that would be a good idea
>>>> since we would then not be able to present the different products
>>>> (not enough space).
>>>> I guess what I'm trying to understand right now is why is it
>>>> difficult to pick the product for which to read documentation  
>>>> about.
>>>> Would you have any insight into this?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> BTW, thanks Vincent for asking and search for problems to solve.
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> You can find documentation by product using the "XWiki  
>>>>>>> Ecosystem"
>>>>>>> panel.
>>>>>>> For example if you search XWiki Enterprise documentation you
>>>>>>> click
>>>>>>> on "XWiki Enterprise" that go to
>>>>>>> where you  
>>>>>>> find a
>>>>>>> "Quick Links" panel containing documentation.for XE.
>>>>>>> 2007/12/19, Esbach, Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Probably missing the link somewhere, but I can't seem to find
>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> links for the documentation on the site?
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