Hi Karim,

>       As told in a previous discussion, I am trying to figure out how to
> build a whole new skin in order to better understand how the skin system
> works (or vice-versa). In parallel, I will be writing the missing doc on
> <http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Skins#HCreatingawholenewskin>
>       For the moment there is only a couple of phrases stating that the
> minimum templates needed are view, edit, preview and save. I have
> guessed these info after some studying of the structure of other
> templates, any confirmation or correction is welcome.

In fact, there is no real need for a save.vm template : save is an action
of the URL, which is handled by xwiki, and that will send back another
template, according to user choices (click on "save" or "save and
continue" for example) ; and result of the save process : view.vm (for
save and view), edit.vm (for save and continue), or exception.vm (if the
save somehow failed) - possibly any template.
I started to write a document that will detail this forwarding process and
the parameters you can use in XWiki forms and urls (can be handy when you
write a skin) :
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/XWikiURLMappings. It's only a
draft now, so can't be taken as complete.

>       Next I would like to know what variables should be handled by the
> templates. For example, a test for a parameter that I see often in other
> templates is
> #if ($request.getParameter("raw").equals("1"))

What's important for your concern (building a new skin from scratch), is
how much of the default skin behavior you want to keep. If you want to
keep just everything (let's say, code viewer, history viewer, change
viewer, comments & attachments forms and viewers, etc.) then, your best
choice is probably to use that albatross skin as a basis for your new
skin; otherwise you'll have a big amount of code to write, so be sure this
is what you want to do :)

Modifying a copy of the albatross skin (or even better, extending the
albatross skin by overriding only the templates you need to modify/adding
new templates) will allow you to change the layout of rendered html,
add/remove things you want/things you don't want... well, let you free to
decide of your own skin layout and behavior.

Note that it is in the roadmap for XWiki 1.3 to make skin creation easier,
moving every velocity templates to a single place (right now they are
either in templates/ or in skins/albatross/), and introducing a new "skin
extension" mechanism.

Hope it answer your questions.


>       I have guessed that when this is true there is just a code page to be
> displayed, but that does not tell me when and where this parameter is
> set, and if every parameter is set in the $request variable and what
> they mean...
>       I have tried to list every parameter by this code, but it doesn't
> work:
> #foreach($param in $request.getParameterNames())
> * $param : $request.getParameter($param)
> #end
>       If someone could help me figure out all these things it would really
> help me understand how the skin system works and how to build a new
> skin. Of course you can complete yourself the wiki page but if you don't
> I will do it once I understood the process.
>       Thanks.
> Le jeudi 20 décembre 2007 à 16:13 +0100, Karim-Pierre Maalej a écrit :
>> > >  So e.g. I want to know how to make a site like Curriki. How should
>> I
>> > > proceed? And first, in which section should I have a look? There's
>> > > something missing here, maybe just a few words that say to me 'hey
>> guy,
>> > > if you want to build a website upon XWiki, it's that way!'
>> >
>> > +1, we're mostly documenting features and OpenSource development
>> > practices. A complete tutorial should be written; for the moment,
>> there
>> > are some articles about setting up XWiki, they used to be linked
>> > somewhere on xwiki.org.
>>      To give you a more actual illustration, I am currently working on
>> designing a skin for XWiki for the iPhone. It takes me quite a lot of
>> time because I have to figure out how all this thing works (the Skins
>> section only suggests tweaks to existing skins, and not redesigning a
>> whole new one from scratch).
>>      I intend to write a detailed howto based on my experience when I get to
>> it, but for the moment I am right in the middle of the jungle, exploring
>> and slowly drawing a map of the continent around me :-)
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