
Great.. thanks for starting working with the tool.. It's great to see 
that we already have translations coming in.

I've added a what's new of all the contributions to the translations on 
the home page:


Clemens Robbenhaar wrote:
> Hi all,
>  > We have setup the new translation tool on a production server and we are 
>  > now looking for volunteers to give it a test drive and start updating 
>  > the translations of the XWiki Core.
>  > 
>  > The new tool is at
>  > 
>  > http://l10n.xwiki.org
>  This looks nice!
>  I have one observation and one plea.
>  The observation: at least in the german translations there are a couple
> of keys which do not exist in the main ApplicationResources.properties
> (and are most probably unused).
>  Currently I can see one example just in the first page:
> http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XE/XWikiCoreResources?action=viewall&language=de&start=0
>  Here a translation is listed for the key "status.currentpool"
> which is not in the main ApplicationResources.properties, but only in the
> ApplicationResources_de.properties.
>  Somewhat confusingly the tool lists the english translation for the
> *previous* key instead (i.e. here "No documents found in the selected 
> archive",
> which is the translation for the key "nodocstoimport").
>  This was a little confusing to me until I figured out what was
> happening.
I fixed the bug..

>  Maybe these unused keys shopuld be cleaned up? Is there any way
> contributors could help, or just a matter of the right script to remove
> the unused translation automatically?
>  Now a little plea: is it possibe to search for translation keys,
> or at least sort then alphabetically?
Here is a search page and I've added a panel


>  I see one translation for the key "rightsmanager.addnewgroup",
> for which the current German version seems to be wrong (it translates to
> "add all users to this group" instead of "add new group"). Currently 
> I have to page through all the pages and search the tranlation manually.
>  More precise plea: if I would plan to implement something like that,
> would there be any interest in it, and are there any pointers where to
> start, and to where submit patches?
Currently the translation app is not in SVN. It's only as a wiki app on 
However I've made it quite 'generic'. It can work on a local wiki.

You can export the code from here

We will setup a JIRA project to submit patches. If you create new pages 
you are welcome to create them on l10n.xwiki.org
The only thing important is not to break the tool for current users.

> Cheers,
> Clemens
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Ludovic Dubost
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