Dilipkumar Jadhav wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you so much for your prompt response.
> I've tried to check all the things you have suggested. This is where i
> stand now:
> 1. Debug each line of the stats panel
> I printed out the values at the end of each #set line in the most
> edited pages panel. This is what i got as a result:
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.sc...@19fd285
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.per...@11ff313
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.ra...@4348c6
> []
> The final [] in the fourth line above is the value for $stats
> 2. The Joda time plugin might be disabled
> I see that the line com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.jodatime.JodaTimePlugin is in
>  my xwiki.cfg properties
> Also, joda-time-1.4.jar is available in WEB_INF > lib folder
> 3.  "Maybe you have a "statistics" field set to 0 in
> XWiki.XWikiPreferences (edit in object mode to check)"
> I went to the XWiki.XwikiPreferences page and checked it in the object
> mode. Unfortunately, i do not see any "statistics" field in there.
> Could you please provide me with some exact example that i should look
> for in this page. I see info about panels & skins et al. But nothing
> about the statistics field.
> 4. I read the line in the user guide that says - "When statistics are
> globally enabled, storage can be enabled/disabled by wiki using the
> XWikiPreference property "statistics"
> Is this the same statistics field that we are talking about in point 3
> above...If so, i really need some more clarity on looking up
> XWikipreferences in the object mode.
> 5. I have disabled the module and enabled it again. But there is still
> no data being displayed on the panels. All it says is - "No statistics
> recorded"

Everything seems OK, yet the statistics are not retrieved. What database 
are you using? Can you check that you do have valid statistics in the 

Sergiu Dumitriu
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