Dear All, 

     has anyone installed the Xeclipse plugin in the plugin directory of
Eclipse and have it not recognized by Eclipse? I am having that problem.
The instructions from say: 

"Installing XEclipse as a plugin is as easy as unzipping the downloaded
ZIP file into your eclipse plugin directory (usually
${eclipse_home}/plugins where ${eclipse_home} is your eclipse
installation directory)" 

When I unzipped "" into my eclipse
plugin directory, it added another plugin directory below plugin.
(Please mention on the site that the plugin path is included in the zip
file, so that it should be extracted in the ${eclipse_home} directory.) 

When that didn't work, I removed the unzipped directories and unzipped
it in the eclipse directory so that the files were filled in the plugin
directory. But it still didn't work. When the menu item Window->Show
View->Other is selected in Eclipse there is no XWiki folder and no Xwiki
Navigator. Are there some other implicit installation steps not
mentioned here? Are both the Xeclipse and the plugin necessary?

The instruction also mentions that the Eclipse Ganymede Full version (no
version number) should be installed. Mine is Eclipse Platform Version:
3.3.2, Build id: M20080221-1800. Could someone please mention the
earliest Eclipse version for which this plugin works?


Steven Calkins

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