I have a few questions related to XWiki's builtin search as well as Lucene 
1. In Lucene search, what is the query syntax to search for page name with wild 
card. For example , if I try '*Page2' (without quotes), there is no hit even on 
Sandbox.TestPage2. This is almost a very basic user expectation : if the user 
only remembers partial name of a page of interest, it should be possible to 
locate the page via the search bar using wildcards. The builtin WebSearch 
supports this functionality. I prefer to use Lucene as the default search 
engine (modified global.vm in skins/colibri) because of the ability to search 
in attachments.
2. Is there any syntax to specify match for an attachment name -- either in the 
builtin or in Lucene engine? Say for example, search for an attachment 
'*logo*.png' at any page in any space. I understand that this can be achieved 
via scripting, but it would be great if search box provided this feature.
3. Does either search engine support search for form field values? I am a 
newbie to XWiki  (coming from Foswiki) and therefore am still learning the 
concept of associating forms to pages in XWiki. From an end user perspective, 
if pages can have forms, there should be a way to search pages based on value 
of form field(s).


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