Hi Milind,

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 10:15 PM, Milind Kamble <mbk...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Wishing all XWiki users and developers a very happy new year.


----- Original Message ----
> > From: Guillaume Lerouge <guilla...@xwiki.com>
> > To: XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>
> > Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 3:10:47 AM
> > Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Bunch of questions related to search
> >
> > Hi Milind,
> >
> > On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> >
> > > Hi there,
> > >
> > > On Dec 17, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Milind Kamble wrote:
> > >
> > > > I have a few questions related to XWiki's builtin search as well as
> > > > Lucene search:
> > > > 1. In Lucene search, what is the query syntax to search for page
> > > > name with wild card. For example , if I try '*Page2' (without
> > > > quotes), there is no hit even on Sandbox.TestPage2. This is almost a
> > > > very basic user expectation : if the user only remembers partial
> > > > name of a page of interest, it should be possible to locate the page
> > > > via the search bar using wildcards. The builtin WebSearch supports
> > > > this functionality. I prefer to use Lucene as the default search
> > > > engine (modified global.vm in skins/colibri) because of the ability
> > > > to search in attachments.
> > >
> > > See
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/SearchApplication
> > > which also references this page:
> > >
> > >
> >
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/SearchApplicationLuceneSearchQueryHelp
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > -Vincent
> > >
> > > > 2. Is there any syntax to specify match for an attachment name --
> > > > either in the builtin or in Lucene engine? Say for example, search
> > > > for an attachment '*logo*.png' at any page in any space. I
> > > > understand that this can be achieved via scripting, but it would be
> > > > great if search box provided this feature.
> > > > 3. Does either search engine support search for form field values? I
> > > > am a newbie to XWiki  (coming from Foswiki) and therefore am still
> > > > learning the concept of associating forms to pages in XWiki. From an
> > > > end user perspective, if pages can have forms, there should be a way
> > > > to search pages based on value of form field(s).
> > >
> >
> > I'd be interested in finding out more about what made you switch from
> > Foswiki to XWiki. I'd also be happy to know whether there are some
> features
> > that you liked in Foswiki but cannot find in XWiki yet.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your feedback,
> >
> > Guillaume
> >
> >
> Guillaume,
>    I was attracted by the feature/capabilities advertised for XE. I was
> supporting a small user base earlier and TWiki/Foswiki was satisfactory from
> a performance and customization stand point. But now I am tasked to deploy a
> wiki for a much larger user base (~ 1000-2000 to begin with and likely to
> grow) and to host documentation/processes for multiple projects. I was not
> too confident about Foswiki's scalability -- because of use of flat
> directory structure and simple RCS based version control. XWiki's use of
> database for backend storage and use of cutting edge web technologies made
> me believe it had the capability to scale for our needs. The possibility of
> virtual wikis and clustering were especially attractive. The ability to
> search through attachments (using Lucene) and the programmabliity offered
> via Velocity and Groovy makes XWiki much more powerful than the plugin
> functionality of Foswiki. Foswiki's template system doesn't seem to be an
> elegant
>  foundation -- it is quite confusing to specify the correct syntax for
> quote marks. The support for forms is also inelegant because the form fields
> are stored as meta fields in the page content which limits the data types
> that one can store in forms. I think xwiki doesn't have that limitation.

Ok. That's interesting feedback, thanks!

> To point out the shortcomings of XWiki: the learning curve to deploy and
> gain admin knowledge for XWiki seems much steeper than I anticipated. More
> detailed documentation can certainly help, but I also understand that this
> should be a collective effort.

Definitely. We're aware of this and we'll be looking forward to your help

> Some of the features from Foswiki that I would earnestly request to be
> supported in Xwiki are:
> 1. Provide ability for end users to easily view access controls at page,
> space and wiki levels and browse groups. Presently only admingroup users can
> view access controls and groups. And the irritating behavior is that
> bin/view/XWiki/XWikiPreferences gets redirected to
> bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences.

Yes, being able to view / audit rights for a given page / space would be

> 2. A vacation planner or vacation view application where users can specify
> their vacation or remote-working plans in their individual home pages and
> the ability to view the status of any individual or arbitrary group of
> individuals. This is highly desired by the managers at my work place. I
> think this request appears in the list of requested features, but I haven't
> seen any timeline when this will be available.

There's actually one on our intranet right now but it hasn't been published
on code.xwiki.org yet. I'll see if I have the time to do it in the coming
days - no firm promise though.

> 3. Ability to generate an access control report for any page. The corporate
> IT security team requires such a report for audit purposes.

Yep, this one is close to 1/ . I think it could be achieved through some
scripting on your end if you really need it.

> I'll let you know more as I go through the learning process :)

Great, thanks!


> Thanks,
> Milind
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Milind
> > >
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> > > users@xwiki.org
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> >
> >
> > --
> > Guillaume Lerouge
> > Product Manager - XWiki SAS
> > Skype: wikibc
> > Twitter: glerouge
> > http://guillaumelerouge.com/
> > _______________________________________________
> > users mailing list
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Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki SAS
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
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