Wishing all XWiki users and developers a very happy new year. 

----- Original Message ----
> From: Guillaume Lerouge <guilla...@xwiki.com>
> To: XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>
> Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 3:10:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Bunch of questions related to search
> Hi Milind,
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > On Dec 17, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Milind Kamble wrote:
> >
> > > I have a few questions related to XWiki's builtin search as well as
> > > Lucene search:
> > > 1. In Lucene search, what is the query syntax to search for page
> > > name with wild card. For example , if I try '*Page2' (without
> > > quotes), there is no hit even on Sandbox.TestPage2. This is almost a
> > > very basic user expectation : if the user only remembers partial
> > > name of a page of interest, it should be possible to locate the page
> > > via the search bar using wildcards. The builtin WebSearch supports
> > > this functionality. I prefer to use Lucene as the default search
> > > engine (modified global.vm in skins/colibri) because of the ability
> > > to search in attachments.
> >
> > See http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/SearchApplication
> > which also references this page:
> >
> > 
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/SearchApplicationLuceneSearchQueryHelp
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Vincent
> >
> > > 2. Is there any syntax to specify match for an attachment name --
> > > either in the builtin or in Lucene engine? Say for example, search
> > > for an attachment '*logo*.png' at any page in any space. I
> > > understand that this can be achieved via scripting, but it would be
> > > great if search box provided this feature.
> > > 3. Does either search engine support search for form field values? I
> > > am a newbie to XWiki  (coming from Foswiki) and therefore am still
> > > learning the concept of associating forms to pages in XWiki. From an
> > > end user perspective, if pages can have forms, there should be a way
> > > to search pages based on value of form field(s).
> >
> I'd be interested in finding out more about what made you switch from
> Foswiki to XWiki. I'd also be happy to know whether there are some features
> that you liked in Foswiki but cannot find in XWiki yet.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback,
> Guillaume
    I was attracted by the feature/capabilities advertised for XE. I was 
supporting a small user base earlier and TWiki/Foswiki was satisfactory from a 
performance and customization stand point. But now I am tasked to deploy a wiki 
for a much larger user base (~ 1000-2000 to begin with and likely to grow) and 
to host documentation/processes for multiple projects. I was not too confident 
about Foswiki's scalability -- because of use of flat directory structure and 
simple RCS based version control. XWiki's use of database for backend storage 
and use of cutting edge web technologies made me believe it had the capability 
to scale for our needs. The possibility of virtual wikis and clustering were 
especially attractive. The ability to search through attachments (using Lucene) 
and the programmabliity offered via Velocity and Groovy makes XWiki much more 
powerful than the plugin functionality of Foswiki. Foswiki's template system 
doesn't seem to be an elegant
 foundation -- it is quite confusing to specify the correct syntax for quote 
marks. The support for forms is also inelegant because the form fields are 
stored as meta fields in the page content which limits the data types that one 
can store in forms. I think xwiki doesn't have that limitation.

To point out the shortcomings of XWiki: the learning curve to deploy and gain 
admin knowledge for XWiki seems much steeper than I anticipated. More detailed 
documentation can certainly help, but I also understand that this should be a 
collective effort. Some of the features from Foswiki that I would earnestly 
request to be supported in Xwiki are:
1. Provide ability for end users to easily view access controls at page, space 
and wiki levels and browse groups. Presently only admingroup users can view 
access controls and groups. And the irritating behavior is that 
bin/view/XWiki/XWikiPreferences gets redirected to 
2. A vacation planner or vacation view application where users can specify 
their vacation or remote-working plans in their individual home pages and the 
ability to view the status of any individual or arbitrary group of individuals. 
This is highly desired by the managers at my work place. I think this request 
appears in the list of requested features, but I haven't seen any timeline when 
this will be available.
3. Ability to generate an access control report for any page. The corporate IT 
security team requires such a report for audit purposes.

I'll let you know more as I go through the learning process :)

> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Milind
> >
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> -- 
> Guillaume Lerouge
> Product Manager - XWiki SAS
> Skype: wikibc
> Twitter: glerouge
> http://guillaumelerouge.com/
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