
Thanks, however it leads to my second problem:  I am running a wiki farm, 
therefore I am getting
"Failed to execute macro: velocity"
I am running it as admin.

What rights do I have to set?

Is there HowTo for to set rights in a wiki farm?


It works for

#set($renamedDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Blog.AB5/CD6"))

It fails for

#set($renamedDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Blog.AB5/CD6"))
##    $renamedDoc.rename("Blog.safeDocName")
##    Looks like it Worked! [[Blog.safeDocName]] #else
##    Failed to get doc do you have enough permissions?

and fails also running

#set($renamedDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Blog.AB5/CD6"))
    Looks like it Worked! [[Blog.safeDocName]] #else
    Failed to get doc do you have enough permissions?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Caleb James DeLisle
Sent: Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009 04:01
To: XWiki Users
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] renaming caused an unreachable page

You should be able to get hold of the Document using velocity
or groovy code, something like:

#set($renamedDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Blog.AB5/CD6"))
    Looks like it Worked! [[Blog.safeDocName]]
    Failed to get doc do you have enough permissions?


Michael Beetz wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've done a mistake:  Renaming a (blog) page to a page having a "/" in the 
> name:  "AB5 / CD6".
> The page is listed in the blog overview and in the document index.  However I 
> am not able to access / delete / rename that page.
> I am using 2.1.1.
> Any hints? (except exporting the wiki, deleting it from that file - it's a 
> subdirectory within that file, dropping wiki and importing it again)
> Thanks
> mb
> ... and by the way:  Thanks to all for that great version 2!  Merry Christmas 
> and a lot of fun & success in 2010
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