Hi Mathias,
I've a fresh new XWiki 2.1.1 installed on a win 2008 server. This is hosted
on 4Gb RAM & 3 GHz processor VM.
Tomcat is 6.0.20 & MySql is 5.0.37. The memory usage is on the higher side
even though the wiki is practically empty (nothing except the default
pages). What concerns me is that the CPU usage spikes to 100% every once in
a while. Checked the process list & find tomcat eating 98% of CPU usage.
This is definitely scary since this is my production machine. The test
machine which has a similar config (except the OS which is win 2003 server)
works just fine. The tomcat CPU usage doesn't exceed 20% CPU usage ever. And
yes, both machine have same version mysql installed and do not run any other
application or servers.
For the memory part, Tomcat was not satiated with 512 Mb RAM MaxPermGen and
kept throwing OOM almost every day. Had to ramp it to 1024 Mb. That seems to
have taken care of the memory issue for now. 
I am still investigating....thanks.

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