Hello XWiki Community,

We're still looking for the new XWiki.org logo. First of all, many 
thanks to all those who submitted their ideas ( 
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallenge ). After the 
first round of votes (digest here:
we chose 6 "popular" proposals for the second round:
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 .

The authors of these proposals were asked to do the following, if not
already done for round 1:
     * try to integrate any constructive feedback that came with the
votes (a digest of the feedback from the emails is available for each
proposal on
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 )
     * polish the design (if they consider it necessary)
     * provide the requested variations for .org, enterprise and office
     * provide samples for light and dark background
     * provide a black&white version
     * provide a 16X16 icon containing the logo or a representative part
of the logo
     * provide a nice "Powered by XWiki" button that goes with the logo
     * provide a mockup/screenshot with the logo used in the current
skin, colibri

For most of the finalist logos, the _final_ versions were already 
uploaded here:
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 .
For those who were not updated, we will use the initial submissions
for round 2 as well,
and voters will have to use their imagination in case
any of the required use cases is missing.


You can send your vote on the mailing list (d...@xwiki.org or 
users@xwiki.org), in reply to this email. No twitter votes this time.

Each voter can grant a whole +1 to only one of the 6 finalists

IMPORTANT: Before choosing a logo based on your personal preference,
please try to also ask yourself the following questions:

     * Is it distinctive? Note that it should not resemble other logos,
including the XWiki SAS/xwiki.com logo.
     * Is it easy to remember and recognize?
     * Does it blend in smoothly with the Colibri skin? With the new
XWiki.org skin? Note that adjustments to the skin is possible, in order 
to better integrate with the logo.
     * Is the design scalable? Could it (or parts of it) be
successfully used in a 16X16 icon? Would it look good on a very large
     * Can it be used (as it is, or adapted) on both light and dark 
     * What would it look like in black and white (not just grayscale)?
It's ok if some details are lost, but it needs to still look
attractive and keep the main features.


08/Apr/10 : Beginning of second round of votes on d...@xwiki.org,
11/Apr/10 : End of votes

Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list

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