Ah, it could just be due to the "printscreen of a quick SVG".  The "powered by" 
buttons were unreadable to the point where if I didn't know what their intent 
was, I wouldn't know what they were other than coloured blobs with some white 
writing.  I presume the final versions would be large enough to be legible.

"Zooming in" on the screenshots show them up better, and while I like the full 
"XWiki" logo, I find the Icon and Button "X" part to be a little thin/weak and 
maybe spread out.  I don't know how else to describe it.

What I really like about 16B is the different logos for .org, Enterprise, and 


On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 16:31:34 +0200 Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> On 04/09/2010 04:03 PM, Trevor Russ wrote:
> > +1 16B.
> >
> > Although I found the "powered by" buttons for most submissions (including 
> > 16) to be almost unreadable.
> Any hints on how to improve it? What exactly is wrong?
> Note that the buttons are not completely polished yet, this is just a 
> printscreen of a quick SVG.
> > Trevor

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