Hi Srikanth,

On Oct 3, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Srikanth Balakumar wrote:

> Hi...
> I'm interested in having the "Xwiki Watch" hosted  on this farm, i would
> like to use xwiki watch in keeping track of current day feeds and articles
> that are directly related to our day to day business... My username in
> mywiki.org is "srikanth" and the server name can be "idealabz"

The xwiki.org project doesn't have a free hosted xwiki watch instance.

Also the myxwiki.org instance (which is a XE/XEM instance) is only for non 
profit (I'm mentioning this since you said that the wiki would be for your day 
to day business).

If you're looking for professional support, please check http://xwiki.com


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