On 11/24/2010 04:12 PM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
> Hi Caty,
> a mail to share my vision about the User Status feature.
> The main idea is to have a mechanism for users to broadcast messages
> concerning their activities.
> The key use cases for this are:
> 1) Fast communication between enterprise members which can replace IMs
> and mails with user status
> 1.1) Communicate what you are working on

Obvious, +1.

> 1.2) Quick question answering and feedback gathering

You mean something like:

BigBoss says:
   How do we get through the crisis?
Jimmy says:
   @BigBoss reduce costs!
Mike says:
   @BigBoss sell more!


Jimmy says:
   @Timmy where can I get a W80 form?
Timmy says:
   @Jimmy room 404

> 1.3) Interesting  material dissemination

You mean link sharing?

> 2) Focused discussions about a given topic

I'm not sure this is the best way to communicate. It might work if it 
behaves a bit like instant messaging, with updates being refreshed in 
real time. Also, for it to make sense as a discussion, it should be 
threaded. So this starts to look like Google Wave, which somehow failed. 
It might work in an intranet, but still it would diverge too much from a 
simple status update, and I'm not sure how it can be integrated nicely 
inside the current Activity UI (nor the implementation, but that's not 

> 3) Fast communication with external clients to keep them up-to-date

I'm not sure I get this. Isn't an *intra*net supposed to be internal, 
inaccessible to external parties?

Do you mean closed group messages, visible only in a given space?

> In order to realize these use cases we need something that resembles
> to Facebook's Wall or, if we look at more enterprise oriented
> products, to SalesForce chatter (http://www.salesforce.com/chatter)

This is getting too far from the initial ideas. It was supposed to be 
integrated in the recent activity, as little user messages mixed among 
wiki activity. Now it looks like the main goal is user communication, 
with wiki activity on the second place. Going the Chatter way would 
imply many changes in the ActivityStream implementation, the 
{{activity}} macro, and the Recent Activity UI.

I'm not saying we shouldn't try to go there, I'm only asking if we want 
to do it as the "User Statuses" sub-feature inside the Activity feature.

> In particular:
> 1) The feature should be implemented as an internal subsystem that
> takes advantage of the Wiki underlying model for exposing information

That's always the case.

> 1.1) User status can contain reference to Wiki entities (i.e., page,
> attachments, comments) and external links. As Jerome said in a
> previous email, this is key. An autocompletion mechanism could help
> making this feature more usable.

The full wiki syntax might be available, which includes links to 
documents/attachment. If we do that, then should the WYSIWYG be 
displayed as well?

> 1.2) I am not sure that we need to provide an upload mechanism to
> associate an artifact to a user status. Linking an attachment in a
> Wiki page is sufficient in my opinion.

+1 for links to existing data only. We could provide a "notify this" 
checkbox in the edit/upload UI.

> 2) It should be possible to define one or more "neighborhoods", i.e.,
> people that will receive our status updates

We could have activities for a space, and activities for a group. This 
means that in the group UI we could integrate a "say something" widget.

Another idea is a panel which allows you to specify where to post the 
update: global (default), current space, specific space (with suggest), 
group of users (with suggest), specific user (with suggest).

My fear is that the UI will be too complex, which increases the 
likelihood of users abandoning their update. If something takes too much 
to accomplish, or there are too many knobs to tinker with, then people 
will avoid that.

> 2.1) This is something that is more powerful wrt to what we have in
> Facebook because it would allow us to create different social-graphs
> that can be targeted when a user status is updated
> 3) It should be possible to comment on a status update (e.g., quick
> question answering and feedback gathering use case)

Is a simple "reply to this" enough?

> 4) The user status are not tweets... I think that the number of
> character should be limited to a reasonable high threshold (e.g.,
> 2048)

The current activity stream allows for 2000 characters (which usually is 
rounded to something more), so this should be OK.

> 5) User statuses should be visible only to the users belonging to the
> "neighborhood" targeted by the status

This can be done at the UI level, but it's going to be hard to protect 
it at the API level. We can do it if we change the activitystream plugin 
to expose more high level methods, like getEventsForCurrentSpace and 
getEventsForCurrentGroup, while keeping the generic methods protected 
(as they are now). I don't like this, since it introduces details about 
the high-level application inside the low-level platform.

> 6) User statuses could be displayed using an activity stream in the
> user's profile page and also on the home activity stream
> 6.1) The user statuses should also appear in the Workspace home pages.
> In this case they are configured to display the statuses of the
> "neighborhood" implicitly defined by all the members of the workspace.
> Feedback is welcome.

So, my two main questions:

1. Do we want to make the "User Statuses" this complex? Or do we 
separate into a simple "User Statuses" and a complex 
facebook/chatter/wave like application?

2. What are the possible targets of a message?

2.1 Only neighborhoods == XWiki Groups and users
- group:XWiki.XWikiAllGroup
- group:XWiki.R&DGroup
- user:XWiki.johndoe
2.2 Only Wiki, space or page
2.3 Entity references which can target different things, like:
- somewiki
- somewiki:somespace
- somewiki:somespace.somepage
- somewiki:XWiki.somegroup#XWiki.XWikiGroup
- somewiki:XWiki.someuser#XWiki.XWikiUsers

> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
> <vali...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 15:19, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
>> <vali...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> There are some features that need to be investigated during the XE 2.7
>>> timeframe in order to be able to integrate them in XE 3.0.
>>> One of them is **User Statuses** and a main definition for it is: "On top
>>> of activity 
>>> stream<http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/ActivityMacro>,
>>> create a User status&  twitter integration feature"
>>> The question is what should we integrate and cover if we want to have user
>>> statuses in XE.
>>> In order to deploy mockups I need to have some clear requirements and uses
>>> cases.
>>> I create some pages on incubator that will gather this mail discussions at:
>>> Requirements:
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/UserStatusRequirements
>>> Use Cases:
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/UserStatusUseCases
>>> While discussing Activity Stream design we had some design scraps for the
>>> status casting part
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/UserStatusScrap
>>> Please share your vision.
>> Hi,
>> Some questions I have:
>> - is it worth it to make our own status casting or can we use directly the
>> Twitter API?
>>     -- do we plan to integrate other services beside Twitter in the future?
>>     -- if we have our own service, do we plan to display Twitter logo to
>> identify Twitter entries?
>> - what are the actions other users can make on a user status?
>>     -- They can comment/respond to it? right away or in the status page?
>>     -- Can they like it?
>>     -- Can they attach something to it?
>> - what actions should the casting box have?
>>     -- The user can enter just characters?
>>     -- How many chars?
>>     -- Can he upload a file?
>> - what is the visibility of user statuses?
>>     -- are they available for anyone with view/edit right?
>> - what is the location where we display the status?
>>     -- Home Activity Stream?
>>     -- User Profile?
>>     -- special gadget/macro?
>>     -- future: his vcard?
>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/AvatarsProposal/vcard.png
>> Thanks,
>> Caty

Sergiu Dumitriu
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