Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> On 11/24/2010 04:12 PM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>> Hi Caty,
>> a mail to share my vision about the User Status feature.
>> The main idea is to have a mechanism for users to broadcast messages
>> concerning their activities.
>> The key use cases for this are:
>> 1) Fast communication between enterprise members which can replace IMs
>> and mails with user status
>> 1.1) Communicate what you are working on
> Obvious, +1.
>> 1.2) Quick question answering and feedback gathering
> You mean something like:
> BigBoss says:
>    How do we get through the crisis?
> Jimmy says:
>    @BigBoss reduce costs!
> Mike says:
>    @BigBoss sell more!
> And:
> Jimmy says:
>    @Timmy where can I get a W80 form?
> Timmy says:
>    @Jimmy room 404
>> 1.3) Interesting  material dissemination
> You mean link sharing?
>> 2) Focused discussions about a given topic
> I'm not sure this is the best way to communicate. It might work if it 
> behaves a bit like instant messaging, with updates being refreshed in 
> real time. Also, for it to make sense as a discussion, it should be 
> threaded. So this starts to look like Google Wave, which somehow failed. 
> It might work in an intranet, but still it would diverge too much from a 
> simple status update, and I'm not sure how it can be integrated nicely 
> inside the current Activity UI (nor the implementation, but that's not 
> critical).
>> 3) Fast communication with external clients to keep them up-to-date
> I'm not sure I get this. Isn't an *intra*net supposed to be internal, 
> inaccessible to external parties?
> Do you mean closed group messages, visible only in a given space?
>> In order to realize these use cases we need something that resembles
>> to Facebook's Wall or, if we look at more enterprise oriented
>> products, to SalesForce chatter (
> This is getting too far from the initial ideas. It was supposed to be 
> integrated in the recent activity, as little user messages mixed among 
> wiki activity. Now it looks like the main goal is user communication, 
> with wiki activity on the second place. Going the Chatter way would 
> imply many changes in the ActivityStream implementation, the 
> {{activity}} macro, and the Recent Activity UI.
> I'm not saying we shouldn't try to go there, I'm only asking if we want 
> to do it as the "User Statuses" sub-feature inside the Activity feature.
>> In particular:
>> 1) The feature should be implemented as an internal subsystem that
>> takes advantage of the Wiki underlying model for exposing information
> That's always the case.
>> 1.1) User status can contain reference to Wiki entities (i.e., page,
>> attachments, comments) and external links. As Jerome said in a
>> previous email, this is key. An autocompletion mechanism could help
>> making this feature more usable.
> The full wiki syntax might be available, which includes links to 
> documents/attachment. If we do that, then should the WYSIWYG be 
> displayed as well?
>> 1.2) I am not sure that we need to provide an upload mechanism to
>> associate an artifact to a user status. Linking an attachment in a
>> Wiki page is sufficient in my opinion.
> +1 for links to existing data only. We could provide a "notify this" 
> checkbox in the edit/upload UI.
>> 2) It should be possible to define one or more "neighborhoods", i.e.,
>> people that will receive our status updates
> We could have activities for a space, and activities for a group. This 
> means that in the group UI we could integrate a "say something" widget.
> Another idea is a panel which allows you to specify where to post the 
> update: global (default), current space, specific space (with suggest), 
> group of users (with suggest), specific user (with suggest).
> My fear is that the UI will be too complex, which increases the 
> likelihood of users abandoning their update. If something takes too much 
> to accomplish, or there are too many knobs to tinker with, then people 
> will avoid that.
>> 2.1) This is something that is more powerful wrt to what we have in
>> Facebook because it would allow us to create different social-graphs
>> that can be targeted when a user status is updated
>> 3) It should be possible to comment on a status update (e.g., quick
>> question answering and feedback gathering use case)
> Is a simple "reply to this" enough?
>> 4) The user status are not tweets... I think that the number of
>> character should be limited to a reasonable high threshold (e.g.,
>> 2048)
> The current activity stream allows for 2000 characters (which usually is 
> rounded to something more), so this should be OK.
>> 5) User statuses should be visible only to the users belonging to the
>> "neighborhood" targeted by the status
> This can be done at the UI level, but it's going to be hard to protect 
> it at the API level. We can do it if we change the activitystream plugin 
> to expose more high level methods, like getEventsForCurrentSpace and 
> getEventsForCurrentGroup, while keeping the generic methods protected 
> (as they are now). I don't like this, since it introduces details about 
> the high-level application inside the low-level platform.
>> 6) User statuses could be displayed using an activity stream in the
>> user's profile page and also on the home activity stream
>> 6.1) The user statuses should also appear in the Workspace home pages.
>> In this case they are configured to display the statuses of the
>> "neighborhood" implicitly defined by all the members of the workspace.
>> Feedback is welcome.
> So, my two main questions:
> 1. Do we want to make the "User Statuses" this complex? Or do we 
> separate into a simple "User Statuses" and a complex 
> facebook/chatter/wave like application?

I find this related with synchronous vs asynchronous communication. 
Sometimes I think that it should be great to have a chat-like 
application within XWiki. That way, users teaming around XWiki won't 
need any other tool to establish a synchronous communication about a 
work going on within XWiki or about any other topic they decide. For 
instance, does it make sense to create such a service within XWiki to 
allow devs use it instead of using Skype or IRC channels? Is it a matter 
of decision to use this external applications or it is a matter of not 
having man/woman power to create such an application within XWiki?

I see User Statuses as an advanced asynchronous communication tool 
within the XWiki environment.

Thus, I'm more for splitting the applications are having a simple "User 
Statuses" and a complex synchronous communication system.


> 2. What are the possible targets of a message?
> 2.1 Only neighborhoods == XWiki Groups and users
> - group:XWiki.XWikiAllGroup
> - group:XWiki.R&DGroup
> - user:XWiki.johndoe
> 2.2 Only Wiki, space or page
> 2.3 Entity references which can target different things, like:
> - somewiki
> - somewiki:somespace
> - somewiki:somespace.somepage
> - somewiki:XWiki.somegroup#XWiki.XWikiGroup
> - somewiki:XWiki.someuser#XWiki.XWikiUsers

I do prefer 2.3 option. I'm thinking about XWiki pages representing 
resources, a meeting room, for instance. I would like to broadcast 
messages to this page on its own and/or an user or one/several groups 
users concerned by them.
>> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
>> <>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 15:19, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> There are some features that need to be investigated during the XE 2.7
>>>> timeframe in order to be able to integrate them in XE 3.0.
>>>> One of them is **User Statuses** and a main definition for it is: "On top
>>>> of activity 
>>>> stream<>,
>>>> create a User status&  twitter integration feature"
>>>> The question is what should we integrate and cover if we want to have user
>>>> statuses in XE.
>>>> In order to deploy mockups I need to have some clear requirements and uses
>>>> cases.
>>>> I create some pages on incubator that will gather this mail discussions at:
>>>> Requirements:
>>>> Use Cases:
>>>> While discussing Activity Stream design we had some design scraps for the
>>>> status casting part
>>>> Please share your vision.
>>> Hi,
>>> Some questions I have:
>>> - is it worth it to make our own status casting or can we use directly the
>>> Twitter API?
>>>     -- do we plan to integrate other services beside Twitter in the future?
>>>     -- if we have our own service, do we plan to display Twitter logo to
>>> identify Twitter entries?
>>> - what are the actions other users can make on a user status?
>>>     -- They can comment/respond to it? right away or in the status page?
>>>     -- Can they like it?
>>>     -- Can they attach something to it?
>>> - what actions should the casting box have?
>>>     -- The user can enter just characters?
>>>     -- How many chars?
>>>     -- Can he upload a file?
>>> - what is the visibility of user statuses?
>>>     -- are they available for anyone with view/edit right?
>>> - what is the location where we display the status?
>>>     -- Home Activity Stream?
>>>     -- User Profile?
>>>     -- special gadget/macro?
>>>     -- future: his vcard?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caty

Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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