On 12/08/2010 03:26 PM, Paul Harris wrote:
> On 8 December 2010 21:24, Paul Harris<harris...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On 8 December 2010 21:09, Marius Dumitru Florea<
>> mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com>  wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> On 12/08/2010 02:06 PM, Paul Harris wrote:
>>>> On 8 December 2010 18:09, Marius Dumitru Florea<
>>>> mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com>   wrote:
>>>>> On 12/08/2010 11:47 AM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>>>> The second part is a velocity snippet. It has been written at a time
>>>>> there
>>>>>> was only one syntax in XWiki (what we call now syntax xwiki/1.0). In
>>> the
>>>>> new
>>>>>> syntaxes (xwiki/2.0 or xwiki/2.1), you need to surround velocity code
>>>>> blocks
>>>>>> by the {{velocity}} macro to get it executed. See
>>>>>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax for more on
>>>>> this.
>>>>>> If you get the snippet working, it would be great you update it to add
>>>>> the
>>>>>> information you've missed in the first place.
>>>>> I just did it.
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Marius
>>>> I got half-way...
>>>> I copy-pasted the new text into the editor (in 'source' mode),
>>>> in Chrome, I can see the chart but then it pops up an error:
>>>> Caught exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'documentElement' of
>>> null
>>>> in Firefox:
>>>> Caught exception: TypeError: v1 is null
>>> You get this exception when you're not logged in right? The current code
>>> uses this URL
>>> /xwiki/bin/view/Main/TimeLine?action=xml&xpage=rdf&changesNb=200 to get
>>> the list of events. It seems that the response is bad when you're not
>>> logged in. I'll try to debug this later today.
>> It happens when I'm logged in, or not logged in.
>> Note that I'm using ShortURLs so the url above should condense down to
>> /Timeline?action etc etc
> whoops, forgot to mention that i'm currently using URL of format
> domain.com/xwiki
> but when I am finished setting up the website, i'll get rid of that /xwiki
> bit and it'll just be domain.com
> eg domain.com/Timeline

You can look with Firebug (Console tab) at what AJAX request is made 
when the timeline page is loaded. There should be a request to the same 
page (URL), with this query string:


Check the response. Most probably there is an exception thrown while 
serving the response. The response is expected to be XML, but it is HTML 
instead, with the stack trace.

Hope this helps,

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