Hi Vincent,

Am 08.03.2011 07:45, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> Hi Andreas,
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in
>> favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.
>> The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader
>> audience.
>> 1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the
>> contributions without subscription.
> You don't need any subscription to read mailing lists.
> See http://xwiki.markmail.org/
>> 2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
> Same here:
> http://xwiki.markmail.org/
>> 3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to
>> subscribe to a mailing list.
> How? Even with forums you need to subscribe.
>> 4) Many people consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
>> 5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get
>> responses
>> 6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get
>> repeatedly discussed
>> 7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail
>> collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
>> 8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users
>> taking an active role
>> 9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
>> 10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
>> 11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements
>> - some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
>> 12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.
>> Here's my +1
> I have some good news for you: we already have a forum! :)
Actually i wasn't aware that there is already an integration with the 
dev page.
I might not have written my proposal if I were. But shouldn't the forums 
be mentioned / linked in a more prominent place on the homepage ?

However as I wrote - the objective was  "to promote the XWiki community 
discussions to a broader audience" as part of a strategy to make XWiki 
aware to more users that don't already subscribe and that my not already 
be aware of XWiki.org. I have no numbers at hand - its just my feelings 
- that indexing of markmail and nabble to google compares badly to other 
forum software.
But so what - except for the ugly reading of large threads and the 
meaningless statistics of a threads view count because of the many 
different access methods -
there is not that much left over I guess.
> See http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/MailingLists
> And more specifically:
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Forum
> Now if this forum doesn't fit your needs could you explain what requirements 
> you'd have for a forum and which solution you'd pick?
> I personally liked jive forums but it doesn't exist anymore (it's folded into 
> a full collaboration suite now).

I have a personal favorite - that is stackoverflow.com.
Its fun to read - encourages exploration - there are numerous 
indications for the relevance of a contribution.
I've been pointed to by google a couple of times and for many purposes 
it became my primary forum website.
Many people there that are seeking advice a la 'whats the best tool to ...'

However its a developers forum and from a project "owner" perspective 
I'd hesitate to recommend it as a support forum.
Its backed by VC and soon they will need to make money one way or the other.
OTOH the tags 'wiki' and 'collaborative' are somehow underrepresented ...



> Thanks
> -Vincent
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