Hello xwiki community !

Since a long time, I work on a MailArchive application, and try to find time
to post it to the community ...
It's used in my team and is satisfying, but as I'm working on it currently I
think it's time to unveil what to expect from it, and have your feedbacks
before I (eventually) post a first version ...

What's implemented so far :
- "eats" mails from specified mail server / account / folder
- creates Mails and Topics pages and objects in wiki. Algorithm for topics
tries to be "hijack-proof" ;)
- Custom Livetable and timeline view for archive, table/threads/forum views
for topics
- persists main parts of mails (html content, main headers, attachments,
attached mails, images, detects encrypted mails), with a clean display
- configurable mailing-lists (independant of mail server) upon pattern
matching, with auto-tagging of created pages
- statistics page (top posters, ...)

What I would like to implement before first release :
- reply button and sheet
- configurable auto-typing of mails (for example,
Mail/Newsletter/Annoucement ...) (it already exists but it's hard-coded ...)
- test it with other server than exchange (ie gmail at least)
- configurable ldap integration : auto-creation of mail users from ldap (by
matching emails). Already implemented but not inside the app itself. It's a
very cool feature for enterprise level mailing-lists. Real users are also
automatically assigned as mails/topics authors/creators in wiki pages, as
well as mail dates.
- remove everything that's hard-coded and dependent of our usage - put more
simply, make it generic.

What I expect to add in next releases :
- multi-mail-server configuration
- improve admin pages
- ratings
- for now it dumps mails from a folder, meaning it does not act as a mail
server by itself. This means that some common features are not available
(validation of mails ...). For now it's more a simple dumped "clone" of a
mailing-list, but it does not interact with users / mails.

Some open questions / remarks:
- considering last point, I don't know how mailing-lists and mailing-lists
archives do work (ie xwiki-users and robot, nabble ...), so I don't really
know how I could implement such features inside xwiki, or even if it would
be something useful for users ... For now the whole application is a XAR and
I don't want to bring too much complexity to it. Anyway I'd like to keep
both functionality.
- for "reply" feature, I assume to use the global mail server configuration
parameters of the wiki, and the email from connected xwiki user profile
("from"). To simplify I would ask user for his password when he clicks on
"send" (and the form is valid), because depending on mail server configured,
you might need to be authentified to send a mail. There could be an option
to use or not the xwiki login for credentials. I don't know what 'd be the
better for this ... Maybe I should add specific configuration for outgoing
mail server in mail archive app ? Of course with a "real" mailing-list (with
a robot), you don't have this kind of problem as I believe it acts as a mail
server itself (kind of proxy).

Feel free to comment, manifest your enthusiasm (or your un-interest :) ) ...


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