On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:10 AM, niko dangl <niko.da...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> that is what i already did but unfortunately without result.
> i just started with wiki and linux/unix so i dont know what to do next
> because i actually still dont know what my problem is and how to fix
> that.
> my LDAP part in xwiki.cfg
> # LDAP
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> xwiki.authentication.authclass=com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.LDAP.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl
> xwiki.authentication.ldap=1

With theses two lines you should get some LDAP log.

> xwiki.authentication.ldap.server=
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.port=389
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN={0}
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_pass={1}
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.base_DN=DC=w2k,DC=rto,DC=dec,DC=com
> xwiki.authentication.ldap.UID_attr=cn

Seems ok. What kind of LDAP server is it ?

> also i cant find any logs..i thought its logged in the tomcat log
> files but there is nothing about ldap/connection problems.

Do you see any xwiki related logs in there ? Generally it's in the
catalina.out file by default.

If you have migration enabled in xwiki.cfg you should see some log
when you load the first page.

> I'm at my wits' end :(
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