Hi and thanks for all the help you've given me so far.

In a previous thread i asked how i can edit the profile pages and now that i've tried that i have a problem with the translated titles of the field names. I can easily change the "Pretty Name" for any field, but it doesn't have any effect on the profile page. I wanted to change the title of the "comment" field and have done so, but i use the german translation of xwiki and therefore the title change had no effect and still says "Über".

A similar problem is the change of the Main.WebHome page, i can change the title, but it still has the english original title.

And back to the profile page, how can i change the appearance of the email adress? Everything after the @ ist displayed as "---", but i would like to display them as name (at) part.company (.de), because in our company there are 2 different parts which have different subdomains.

Thanks in advance,
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