Am 02.02.2012 10:17, schrieb Richard Rafalski:
> Hi Thoms, hi Guillaume,
> Am 31.01.2012 15:05, schrieb Guillaume Fenollar:
>> Hi,
>> About 'Server returned TRANSPORT_ERROR with no error message', can you tell
>> us more details? When does that happen? It's a red box in the bottom of the
>> screen, right?
> No. It is the common message box of the webbrowser. It happened maybe
> two or three times yet. I do not remember in which situation. Is it
> possible to search in a log file for this mesage text to get more
> information?
The error massage started to apear again. It was not the common massage
box of the browser as i thought the last time. You can view a screen
shot here

Any sugestion how to find out more about this problem?

Thank you

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