On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Ludovic Dubost wrote:

Good comment.  It's true that using the default XWiki authenticator and
relying on a Tomcat or Apache level authenticator is always an easier way
than full protocol implementation.
However we usually also want to have the XWiki user be created with data
coming from the authentication.

Yes.. I have this type of authN-Z / creation working..

I don't know where you all moved the contributions repository too.. But I
based my authenticator off one of those and it does do what you are
talking about.

Have you seen this done ? Can you point out which SAML product that you
know off and that have a container level implementation and that you have
seen working with XWiki ?

Yes.. I am most framiliar with shibboleth.net products and the SP is
coded to either IIS or Apache ... both of which can front xwiki without


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