On 5 Dec 2013 at 22:06:36, Eduard Moraru 
(enygma2...@gmail.com(mailto://enygma2...@gmail.com)) wrote:


> > I am not sure how to find the page "AnnotationCode.Script".
> >
> Whenever we mention a page name in XWiki in the form SomeSpace.SomePage,
> that page can be located by going to the URL: http://
> :/xwiki/bin/view/SomeSpace/SomePage
> In your case, the page I was referring to is:
> http://wiki.opensource.org/xwiki/bin/view/AnnotationCode/Script

Or use the Document Index
Or press ctrl+g to jump to a page (make sure you enable hidden documents in 
your user profile though to navigate to hidden documents).


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